DC Designs are proud to announce the Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Fully native MSFS aircraft
The aircraft been coded with Microsoft Flight Simulator native 'Model Behaviors' animations and built to MSFS operational specifications to minimise issues with future simulator upgrades. All custom cockpit instruments and screens are coded in HTML for native, high-performance display in MSFS
Authentic cockpit night lighting with brightness controls
Custom-coded manoeuvring flaps and slats, based on aircraft airspeed and angle of attack
Fully controllable AoA and G-limiters, allowing for correct-procedure 'Cobra' and 'Tailslide' manoeuvres
Numerous external animations including canopy, crew ladders, Foreign Object Damage doors and control surfaces
The Flanker is fully compliant with Virtual Reality headsets
Full WWise custom sound set recorded from the real Su-27 Flanker
Cockpit fully labelled in Cyrillic Russian text, with tooltips in English for ease of use
Full Interactive Checklist to help the user find their way around the cockpit
Full operations manual is included
Aircraft systems
Operational radar system capable of detecting both AI and multiplayer targets with selectable ranges
Display screens with visual layouts based on the real aircraft's systems (within the confines of MSFS' current capability)
Head-Up Display with authentic layout based on the real Su-27
Custom-coded, user-controlled ordnance via the simulator Payload Manager, allowing for the live mounting of weapons on hardpoints with active weight increase
Paint schemes
Bort 305
Bort 04
Bort 06
Bort 51
Ukrainian Air Force
Kazakhstan Air Force
Uzbekistan Air Force
A Paint Kit is also available.
A full operations manual is included in the software and you can also download it here.