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     LatinVFR Miami V5 features:

    •  KMIA airport all buildings objects and ground polygons made from native PBR materials
    • Surroundings of KMIA, and over 200 square kilometers of photo scenery coverage. City buildings, covering Miami Beach from Bay Harbor to Key Biscayne with custom made PBR buildings.
    • SODE animated PBR jetways for the best jetway animation possible.
    • SODE controlled lighting, automatically illuminating when low visibility and rain conditions.
    • SODE controlled rain effects, enabling wet PBR surfaces whenever rain is present.
    • Custom animated airport vehicles.  
    • Special slippery condition for runways that would affect braking action whenever it is raining.
    • And much more.....
    • Wenn Sie vorher LATINVFR - MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT KMIA V4 FSX bei simMarket gekauft haben, sind Sie für nur EUR 14.99 zu einem Upgrade berechtigt.. HINWEIS: Der spezielle Upgrade-Preis gilt nur für das Konto mit dem Sie eines der genannten Produkte gekauft haben! Im Zweifelsfall wenden Sie sich an simMarket! KEINE Erstattung!


    Lockheed Martin Prepar3D V4.4 or higher

    Lockheed Martin Prepar3D V5



    Bewertungen insgesamt


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    As other reviewers have noted, this KMIA scenery looks great but has severe graphics memory issues in P3D v5. I'm a fan of LatinVFR and have had zero issues with other sceneries across two or three platforms. This one is a big disappointment.


    The scenery itself is beautiful and well designed but the performence is not up to the mark. I have a i7-12700k paired with 10gb rtx 3080 and yet i run out of VRAM during approach. Fps is decent i would say, getting around 40fps at night and 60+fps at day time. The only way to solve the VRAM running out is by decreasing the texture resulution to 2048x2048. 4k textures will simply not work unless you have 12gb or more VRAM. I never face VRAM issues with any other major scenery except Miami. I hope the developers come up with a fix because theres simply no reason for VRAM to runout espacially considering that all other MAJOR HUGE airports work just fine for me at 4096 textures.


    Even if you have all the features turned off you will run out of VRAM unless maybe you have an extremely high end GPU.


    The Scenery itself is quite good, I have to admit, but it is extremely old! I used this scenery for years now, first with FSX where it was perfect, then in P3Dv4 where it was okay and now with P3Dv5 where it's just trash, you can clearly see that they just ported most of the old scenery to the new simulators, sell the add-on as new to earn some money with an old product. In my opinion, they should really try to optimize the scenery completely to be compatible with the newer simulators. I use it at the lowest possible settings with less than 10 fps even with a high end graphics card with 8GB. Often, the simulator crashes due to the run out of graphic memory. All this would be acceptable if the scenery would give you a insane amount of details and realism, but this isn't the case at all, there are some details but all in all it can't compete against developers like Flightbeam or FlyTampa at all, It is quite disappointing to see! Especially when seeing the insane upgrade price of 15€.


    First of all, I must admit that I'm not familiar with the real situation at Miami; thus, my lines should be read more as statement instead of comparison with reality. The download size of 2,2 GB is self-explaining: seems to me as if the reproduction of realitiy is very close. However, a very good graphic card is advisable: my GTX 1660TI with 6 GB video memory is nearly overloaded, even if the settings are reduced to lower values (I use the scenery with P3D4.5). The video ram on the airport itself and in Miami City mostly lies nearly close to 8GB, so in my case about 2 GB are reserved from normal computer ram - reducing the fps to not more than 10 fps. Nevertheless, the simulation is acceptable. The area that is mapped really seems to be huge. Fly up to the North or down to the South or even to the East - you always will find the skyscrapers of Miami, beaches, harbours and leisure boats. If the higher price is acceptable to you is a decision of your own. Besides international flights, I use KMIA together with the Key West Scenery for local flight adventures after work ... superb if you like tropical conditions. So finally: have a good flight


    Update: All The new Latin VFR sceneries look great! However, the PBR could use some optimization. Even this little airport uses 1.5 to 2 GB more VRAM than even FlyTampa KLAS. So anytime I use the LatinVFR KMIA, KFLL or KBDL I have to turn my down textures from 2048 to 1024 or I risk running out of VRAM. This seems to be a problem as I can run most all my other FlyTampa, Flightbeam and Imaginesim sceneries at 4096 with a fps penalty or 2048 for good VRAM headroom and 30fps solid. P3D V5.2 did help significantly as I could only run 1024 textures prior to the update without running out of VRAM.


    Looks amazing for the 2 minutes it will run before I run out of VRAM. I7 9700k@5.0ghz and RTX 2080 will run this on very minimal settings only. I can run Flightbeam KSFO with Orbx NoCal with very high settings and 100% AI traffic at a steady 30fps and 5.4GB VRAM as a contrast but basically have to turn off shadows, ai traffic and reduce settings to med and low to run KMIA V5 which makes it unusable for me. Perhaps in 10 years when there are graphics cards available again I can upgrade and give it another shot.


    I put off buying this scenery for a while and am kicking myself for it. For the price of 20 euros (sale price) you get photo scenery and the Miami downtown area in addition to the Airport itself. I'd say its on par with some of the flytampa or flightbeam scenery. What's more is performance was good, even with my middle class system and flying the PMDG 777-200er. A definite buy in my book


    just purchased this and it looks great! nice frame rate SODE jetways custom buildings but the TRUMP resort is missing all it's textures (not sure if this is a good thing or bad!)


    Another great KMIA rendition from one of my favorite developers. The layout is exactly like the real airport. I can tell they put a lot of effort into this update. This is by far the best KMIA simulation, on all platforms.


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    Warnung vor Software-Piraterie

    Schutz Ihres Kaufs

    Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

    Warum Software-Piraterie allen schadet

    Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

    Folgen der Software-Piraterie

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    • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
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    2. Software-Piraterie melden: Wenn Sie auf raubkopierte Add-ons stoßen, melden Sie diese den Behörden oder den ursprünglichen Entwicklern.
    3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

    € 29.99

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