€ 11.40



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Почему программное пиратство вредит всем

Программное пиратство подрывает преданность и креативность разработчиков. Когда вы загружаете или распространяете пиратские дополнения, это влияет на способность создателей продолжать создавать качественный контент. Это затрагивает все сообщество, снижая доступность новых функций и обновлений.

Последствия программного пиратства

  • Юридические риски: Программное пиратство может привести к серьезным юридическим последствиям, включая штрафы и судебное преследование.
  • Угрозы безопасности: Пиратское ПО часто содержит вредоносные программы, ставя под угрозу ваши личные данные и безопасность системы.
  • Отсутствие поддержки: Нелегальные копии не получают официальной поддержки или обновлений, что может привести к потенциальным проблемам и уязвимостям.

Как вы можете помочь

  1. Покупайте легально: Всегда покупайте дополнения у авторизованных продавцов, таких как SimMarket, чтобы быть уверенными в получении аутентичных продуктов.
  2. Сообщайте о программном пиратстве: Если вы обнаружите пиратские дополнения, сообщите об этом властям или оригинальным создателям.
  3. Обучайте других: Повышайте осведомленность о негативных последствиях программного пиратства и поощряйте других поддерживать разработчиков, покупая легальные копии.

Спасибо за поддержку сообщества авиасимуляторов и вклад в справедливый и инновационный рынок.


Transform your Flight Simulator into a Serious Tool for Pilot Training and Proficiency.

Instructor Operator Station (IOS) software for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D and X-Plane.

Full array of features that provide full situational awareness and external flight sim control.

What is Instructor Station™ ?

In flight simulation, an Instructor Operator Station (IOS) is designed to assist the instructor in controlling the simulation training environment and monitoring all aspects of pilot/crew performance in the simulator. The instructor can control, via this software, all functions such as aircraft position and systems, meteorological, environmental, and situational parameters.

The Instructor Station™ is meant to assist Aviation Professionals, Flight Simulation Enthusiasts and Home Cockpit Builders.

Compatible with :

  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3D® 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x
  • Microsoft® Flight Simulator (FS) 2004™, FSX™, ESP™, FSX-SE™ and 2020™
  • X-Plane®

The Instructor Station™ allows setting the aircraft on an approach to a runway of choice under any weather conditions, start-up and shutdown network computers (fully customizable), program or set aircraft system failures at any moment, calculate the amount of fuel required for a flight and load it to the aircraft, record flight performance (approaches, manoeuvres, landings, take-offs, etc.) and plot it graphically, and many other things!

Compatible with all types of aircraft! It is also a great tool for anybody who wants to control the flight simulator externally.

Third Party Product Support :

  • JeeHell FMGS (quick start-up, failures)
  • Project Magenta (quick start-up, failures)
  • AST (failures)
  • Sim-Avionics (custom via FSUIPC offsets)
  • ProSim (custom via FSUIPC offsets)
  • Mindstar G1000 (custom via FSUIPC offsets)
  • Wilco/FeelThere Airbus (custom via FSUIPC offsets)
  • Phillips HUE Lighting System

Portability :

  • Windows-based tablets (including Microsoft Surface)
  • Apple iPad tablets +
  • Android tablets +

(+) By using SplashTop, AirDisplay or similar apps to extend PC desktop.

Developed by a Pilot, Engineer & Flight Simulation Enthusiast.

The preferred choice for thousands of Flight Schools, Simulator Centers and Flight Simulation Enthusiasts (ideal for cockpit builders and simmers)

Quality Standard

Instructor Station™ has achieved FAA certification as part of Basic Aviation Training Devices (BATD) - a testament to quality and robustness.


The purchase of this product entitles the use of Instructor Station for one (1) full year. Continued use is subject to yearly renwals. Please visit www.iStationGordo.com for details.


PC-based flight simulation software has been popular since the introduction of Microsoft Flight Simulator in the early 1980s, and as soon as such software appeared, pilots and instructors started arguing about if and how they should be used in formal flight training.

Today, the benefit of flight simulators in flight training is rarely of dispute - for many years already, flight schools, flight instructors, and pilots have been using Microsoft’s Flight Simulator software and others to train and stay proficient (including FlightSafety International, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and the U.S. Navy).

In 2008, Microsoft, recognizing Flight Simulator’s potential as a training aid, released Microsoft ESP. ESP provided commercial, government, and educational organizations with a robust simulation platform on which to build custom training solutions.

In 2008, my cockpit-building hobby led me to search a program that would allow interaction with Flight Simulator. After weeks of research, I could not find any commercially available program that would cater my needs, and so... I wrote one.

The Instructor Station™, as conceived, would enable practicing approaches, changing weather and inject failures to practice procedures, along with managing the simulator itself (networked PCs, etc.). Little did I know when I started writing back then that it would evolve into something used by flight schools in formal pilot training, as part of FAA-approved certified aviation training devices.

The Instructor Station™ can be used as part of an FAA approved training device that students can log hours in (when under the supervision of a certified instructor). The Instructor Station and the simulation can be run on two separate computers over a network, or on the same machine.

No matter what your specific needs or situation is, one thing’s for sure: the Instructor Station™ will revolutionize the way you use your flight simulator product, whether for business or leisure.

What People Are Saying

Instructor Station™ has proven to be very successful among the Aviation, PC Flight Simulation and Cockpit Building communities. Thousands of aviation professionals and enthusiasts are using the Instructor Station all throughout the world.

Present in 70+ countries, and more than 8+ years of continued development and support !

Enough said - now down to user feedback:

" Instructor Station is very interesting. [...] You are to be congratulated for your initiative and determination in making this a reality. "

" [...] You have probably created the best product in the history of flight simulation software (congratulations). "
J.H. (USA)

" [...] It is a wonderful and very helpful tool, reminds me of the admin station in the Level D simulators at the former Oxford aviation academy. In Addition to that, I have to give you credits for the support. "
U.S. (Sweden)

" Thanks for an amazing piece of software I have your rivals version and it is fairly restrictive by comparison, only limiting itself to certain A/C with far less functionality. [...] "
S.K. (USA)

" I am really impressed with iStation. Very powerful tool. Congrats. "
M.L. (USA)

" Thanks a lot for that great piece of software ! "
S.W. (Germany)

" iStation is a great product ! "
G.A. (USA)

" I installed the program and it is extremely robust especially the documentation. Wow ! "

" Your program is excellent, I worked for Boeing in flight training / simulation for many years and it's as good as any I have seen! "
G.A. (USA)

" Its a great program and I am looking forward to using a lot in the future. "
D.K. (Australia)

" Thank you for your amazing work to integrate Jeehell. "
D.L. (Switzerland)

" I have a little home cockpit and use this for IFR Multiengine training, so your program is a very good additional feature - many thanks !! "
P.V. (Germany)

" A very good product. A must have. "
mvc340 (Spain)

" Have installed the software and its great. [...] I have used VISPRO in the past, [...], but I find this software better. "
A.K. (Australia)

" [...] congratulations on your amazing software. "
J.B. (Portugal)

" Thank you again for a **brilliant tool**. I’m a professional pilot with UK airline Flybe on the Dash-8 Q400 – this tool will really help me practice various things. "
K.I. (UK)

" [...] I'm a pilot from Jordan , actually I don't know how to thank you because of this great effort you made for the flight simulation industry [...] "

W.H. (Jordan)

" It looks like you have really brought the software to the next level. Great job. "


" I believe your efforts with this and your IStation have been outstanding and just want to add my thanks along with all the others I have seen. "
J.J. (Canada)

" This is a really cool piece of software! I love being able to provide a flight printout and map for friends who come over and fly heh. "

" I am a professional pilot and I use your tool to train with a friend of mine from time to time. iStation runs together with FSX , FSUIPC, WideFS and so far I am very content. [...] I really like the software! "
H.M.S. (Germany)

" We use Intstructor Station from Luis Gordo and vasFMC and it seems most functions of the pit are covered.
I recon this is a good and more or less complete setup. If you don't want to spend a lot of money on the instructor station this could be one way to go.... "

" I just purchased Instructor Station by Luis Gordo. Its priced really cheap for what it does! You can run it in demo mode for 3 minutes to test. [...] It’ll work with project magenta, over a network, and packs a lot of stuff for the price! Check it out! "

" I installed your Instructor Station on a networked PC and I like it very much. Every few months I visit full-flight simulators of LUFTHANSA flight training in Frankfurt, and the instructor stations of these simulators are very similar..."
T.R. (Germany)

" Your program is excellent; I am a commercial airline pilot. I fly the ATR 42/72 for Farnair Europe. "

" Exemplary support and Great Product! "

" I bought this software two weeks ago, and have had some time to play with it. And in my opinion it is worth every penny. This is the best deal out there to get a functional instructor station for very reasonable money. I have not tried some of the more advanced functions yet, but so far I am very happy with this program. "
I.H. (Norway)

" Your software is very good! It is a real alternative to Project Magenta's instructor station! "

" Wonderful and affordable flight instructor station software. "

" iStation is a lot of fun. As a pilot I appreciate all the features. It compares very well with the simulators we used at FLIGHT SAFETY. "
C.M. (USA)

" You have a great program, keep up the good work. "

" I have tested your software with other add-ons (Sky env., Ground Env., etc.) and it works very well ! "

" The Weather setting is pretty cool & easy. "
E.K. (Germany)

" I run both FS9 and FSX, but mostly FS9 and am glad iStation performs in both. "

" I think this is a great product. Absolutely love this. "
M.M. (USA)

" This is a good program and I can see how an Instructor Station would really benefit from it. I look forward to the next version. "
W.M. (USA)

" About your great software Instructor Station, I can tell you that it is really similar to the A320 Full Flight Simulator one. [...] I really think your software is an excellent tool for people like me; it helps your training as a pilot a lot. "

(Airbus 320 pilot) J.B. (Portugal)

" I have been using your iSTATION for some time now and I just can't get enough of it. [...] By the way I just downloaded version 1.30 and I can't wait to start using it. The feature for starting the pmSystems seems to me terrific. Keep up the good work. "
A.L. (Mexico)

" First of all, congrats! You made a very nice and useful product. [...] Thank you very much for your time, and again, for your wonderful program. "
A.D. (Brazil)

" The first impression is that it is - in the true sense of the word - a great program. "
P.W. (Germany)

" I am excited about your new software. "
A.P. (Australia)

" I purchased the 2.0 upgrade and it looks so much better and finally happy to see US lbs included. What I like the most is how I can input the weights directly into the FS Stations through IS. Previously, I was doing this by using the FSX menu line>Aircraft>Fuel and Payload screens, via the curved screen...it took forever."
J.C. (USA)

" Thank you for this software, which is a remarkable bit of programming. "
D.M. (Germany)

" Regards from P. and many thanks for this amazing tool. "
P.V. (Germany)

" Congrats with the new upgrade, it looks sweet! "
F.A. (Norway)

" Your tool is very useful to me for exploring my job as A320 pilot at Indonesia AirAsia. "
M.I. (Indonesia)

" Let me state that iStation is a great product and I highly recommend it. [...] I just think flight simulation is just fantastic and your iStation makes it even better ! "
G.A. (USA)

“ For anyone thinking of putting together a cockipt or for those who already have one, a vital program is the Instructor Station, with it you can perform many tasks without having to access the menus of the FS, put fuel, train approaches, simulate faults and etc ... Luis Gordo did an excellent job with this software that originally was created for his own cockipt that is an A320. In addition to the excellent quality of the software what also stands out is the price !! The same software only the Project Magenta you will pay the small sum of 800 euros !! Already Luis software costs only 39.50 euros !! What difference huh? ”

www.737ngsim.com.br (Brazil)



Lockheed Martin Prepar3D® 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x,
Microsoft® Flight Simulator (FS) 2004™, FSX™, ESP™, FSX-SE™ and 2020™,
Microsoft Windows® XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10
Pentium III, 800 MHz (minimum)
Minimum resolution (recommended): 1280x960 pixels
FSUIPC/WideFS (for P3D and FSX) or XPUIPC (for X-Plane)

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Предупреждение о программном пиратстве

Защита вашей покупки

Дополнения для авиасимуляторов, которые вы приобретаете, защищены авторским правом на международном уровне. Это гарантирует соблюдение прав разработчиков и защиту их инновационной работы.

Почему программное пиратство вредит всем

Программное пиратство подрывает преданность и креативность разработчиков. Когда вы загружаете или распространяете пиратские дополнения, это влияет на способность создателей продолжать создавать качественный контент. Это затрагивает все сообщество, снижая доступность новых функций и обновлений.

Последствия программного пиратства

  • Юридические риски: Программное пиратство может привести к серьезным юридическим последствиям, включая штрафы и судебное преследование.
  • Угрозы безопасности: Пиратское ПО часто содержит вредоносные программы, ставя под угрозу ваши личные данные и безопасность системы.
  • Отсутствие поддержки: Нелегальные копии не получают официальной поддержки или обновлений, что может привести к потенциальным проблемам и уязвимостям.

Как вы можете помочь

  1. Покупайте легально: Всегда покупайте дополнения у авторизованных продавцов, таких как SimMarket, чтобы быть уверенными в получении аутентичных продуктов.
  2. Сообщайте о программном пиратстве: Если вы обнаружите пиратские дополнения, сообщите об этом властям или оригинальным создателям.
  3. Обучайте других: Повышайте осведомленность о негативных последствиях программного пиратства и поощряйте других поддерживать разработчиков, покупая легальные копии.

Спасибо за поддержку сообщества авиасимуляторов и вклад в справедливый и инновационный рынок.

€ 11.40

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