Most airports can provide their weather reports on assigned frequencies, what is known as Automatic
Terminal Information Service (ATIS). This weather information is usually bound to a frequency per
To a larger extend, similar to ATIS, there are other stations (ranging from none to 1 or 2 per country),
that are known as VolMet stations. VolMet stations, contrary to ATIS, do not include just one airport on
their frequency but instead they give weather report/information/trend for a number of (major/important)
airports in the VolMet station's vicinity. These VolMet stations exist in real life, for many years now,
(being the most common source for obtaining weather information for enroute airports, destination etc,
before ACARS and for aircrafts without ACARS) but missing from the simulator.
"RealVolMet Europe v2" package, aims at raising the immersion level during your flights, by including
European VHF VolMet stations, with their correct, real life naming, frequency, airports in each station
etc, but most importantly, weather reports are NOT fake/random just to give the immersion, they
actually provide the real weather report! Simply tune the station's frequency on the aircraft's comms and
listen to the VolMet report!
Incorporating a very powerful, custom made, metar decoder, able to decode, airport, time, wind, wind
variability, visibility, directional visibility, runway visual range reports, all possible weather conditions,
clouds, temperature, dewpoint, pressure along with any supplementary information and any trends
included in the metar reports!
Also every single sound file, is custom made and NO default decoder or default sound files are used,
in order to ensure maximum realism and increase decoding capabilities to real life VolMet standards.
"RealVolMet Europe v2" now incorporates a simple to use, yet powerful user interface, in which
you can also:
- Monitor Simulator connection status
- Monitor aircraft parameters
- Monitor active stations and active weather
- Request weather METAR (even with the simulator not running)
- Voice Generate weather reports using RealVolMet's decoder capabilities (even with the simulator
not running)
- Select sound volume
OR simply, run the application, minimize to system tray and forget.
Features include:
- All possible characters within metar string (weather report/supplimentary information/trend) can be
- European VHF VolMet stations coverage with real life data (Name, frequency, included airports etc)
- All data put together into a user friendly (printable) Volmet Station frequencies map and airport tables
(With shortcuts also within the User Interface).
- Fully custom made decoder and sound files for maximum realism.
- Real world live weather, reports
- Easy installation
- No user input/configuration required! Just install and weather reports will be available on the frequencies,
just like in real life.
- New user Interface allowing parameters/status monitoring, weather requests, voice generated weather
reports etc (even with simulator not running)
- Compatible with any aircraft, being default or add-on.
Если вы ранее приобретали M. A. REALTURB - REALVOLMET EUROPE P3DV4/V5 simMarket предоставляет право на апгрейд по специальной цене в EUR 7.50. ВНИМАНИЕ: предложение действует только в случае приобретения с той же самой учетной записи! ВОЗВРАТ НЕ ПРОИЗВОДИТСЯ!