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Les add-ons pour simulateurs de vol que vous achetez sont protégés par des droits d'auteur au niveau international. Cela garantit que les droits des créateurs sont respectés et que leur travail innovant est protégé.

Pourquoi le piratage de logiciels nuit à tous

Le piratage de logiciels sape le dévouement et la créativité des développeurs. Lorsque vous téléchargez ou distribuez des add-ons piratés, cela affecte la capacité des créateurs à continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité. Cela a un impact sur toute la communauté en réduisant la disponibilité de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour.

Conséquences du piratage de logiciels

  • Risques juridiques: Le piratage de logiciels peut entraîner de graves conséquences juridiques, y compris des amendes et des poursuites.
  • Menaces pour la sécurité: Les logiciels piratés contiennent souvent des logiciels malveillants, mettant en danger vos données personnelles et la sécurité de votre système.
  • Absence de support: Les copies non autorisées ne reçoivent pas de support officiel ou de mises à jour, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes et des vulnérabilités potentielles.

Comment vous pouvez aider

  1. Achetez légitimement: Achetez toujours des add-ons auprès de vendeurs autorisés comme SimMarket pour vous assurer de recevoir des produits authentiques.
  2. Signalez le piratage de logiciels: Si vous rencontrez des add-ons piratés, signalez-les aux autorités ou aux créateurs originaux.
  3. Éduquez les autres: Sensibilisez les autres aux impacts négatifs du piratage de logiciels et encouragez-les à soutenir les développeurs en achetant des copies légitimes.

Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.


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    NOTE: Purchase with confidence. If you wish to upgrade to the Pro or Trainer version when these become available, you will be doing so at no extra cost, just pay the difference.

    Changes since version 1.019 version PILOT edition of the Q400


    + Shared Cockpit: Debouncing is improved on the LSK8 key of the ARCDU (to switch the transponder mode) (PRO)
    + FMS graphic artifacts fixes
    + Alternate gear release: inhibit switch is not required to open the nose gear doors by pulling the release handle
    + ND: Improved overlay display logic
    + ELEVATOR ASYMMETRY incorrect light fixed
    + EFIS: CRS1/CRS2 tooltip course will be from the NAV, if FMS is selected
    + ARCDU, FMS Tune page: increased ADF range to 1999kHz
    + Numerous fixes to the mouse acceleration in rotating knobs
    + EFIS FC system page: Fine tuned the rudder indication to correspond exactly to the real aircraft indication
    + PFD graphics fixes


    + FlightControls: Steering NSW system activation delay of 7 seconds is implemented
    + CEGPWSSystem: WarningGenerator: 4B mode (flaps) will account for flaps override switch
    + AFCS: GA button modes activation is fixed
    + CAntiiceSystem: Engine door lights stay lit without electrical power, fixed
    + Flight Controls: Fixed the rudder travel restriction versus flaps, when the rudder sensitivity factor in the mjc84.ini is below 1.0
    + Flight Controls: Free steering is added (free caster mode)
    + mjc84.ini: added TillerDeadZone variable to tune the dead zone for the steering tiller
    + PCU AUPC module: added delay of 1/2 seconds prior to feather protection, to prevent inadvertent feather for the props in flight
    + Electrics: DC BUS TIE will not close if both DC Gens failed
    + Engine control: Re-written the mouse drag procedure of the Condition Levers sync with the simconnect
    + FMS: Fixed the incorrect MAP elevation detection
    + FMS TUNE page: Fixed entering ATC code 0001-0004 result in memory selection
    + FMS ETP/PNR: Fixed incorrect FOB fuel kg input on page 2 (PRO)
    + FMS: Added EXITS page under SERVICES
    + FMS: 7 seconds unilink delay instead of 1 second (to improve the shared cockpit sync)
    + FMS: Fixed the incorrect index for waypoints beginning with NAN
    + Nav system: Navaids data will be re-loaded after the aircraft reposition
    + TCAS system: Added audio warning supression for <400ft on approach and <600ft on departure
    + TCAS System: Will not initialize to TA/RA on the ground and <900 ft agl
    + TCAS System: INCREASE DESCEND is blocked <1450ft
    + HGS: Forcing the windshield non-transparent to increase the "IMC" effect triggered from the System Panel
    + Maintenance: Refinements to the wear-off (random failures)
    + NAV framework: Migrated the database from the MS Access to SQL Lite format


    + Syspan: Removed the restriction for the systems which can be used by the user pages, and added the restriction of 3 pages limit (PRO)
    + Syspan: Additional failures on the avionics page (PRO)
    + Syspan: Added failure re-set buttons on all of the pages


    + syspan specification: Added failure0TextValue to the page specification

    What's new in version 1.016

    We are happy to announce that it is now possible to fly the MJC8Q400 addon under Windows 10. The correspondent patch version 1.016 can be found in
    the USER AREA under SUPPORT on Majestic Software website: http://majesticsoftware.com

    As an additional surprise, this new version also adds FPL WINDS functionality to the FMS, allowing entry and prediction of the en-route winds. The wind data is then used to calculate the en-route time, fuel and range.

    What's new in version 1.014

    • + Fixed the problem with Q400 crash on resize under Prepar3D 2.5 when
    • mipmap panels option is off
    • + Fixed the Prepar3D audio problems in the Cabin views
    • + Modification to the copy protection, allowing usage of the Q400 under
    • several simulators on the same PC
    • + Fixed the non-transparent windows in the Cabin views when the cockpit
    • dome light is activated
    • + Aileron to Tiller control will disengage at 50 percent Power Levers
    • angle, and center automatically for takeoff

    What's new in version 1.010

    1. Prepar3D V2.2 compatibility
    2. New simplified scripting format is introduced
    3. Glideslope and DME receivers will add accuracy by using the newly added by Navigraph Glideslope and DME antenna data
    4. Numerous performance related fixes
    5. FMS airway listing and procedure joining fixes
    6. Improved compatibility with multiplayer by using the standard lights assignments for taxi/landing/nav lights

    What's new in version 1.008


    • Added turbulence and windshears - both intrinsic and triggered by FSX weather


    • Fixes the elevator disconnect logic
    • Optimization of the system performance and the CPU cores utilization
    • Fixed the COM2 microphone switching for online flying (Vatsim/IVAO)
    • Fixed the landing spoiler extension timing on touchdown
    • Fixed the nav radios reception ranges
    • Fixed the autopilot disconnects during the NAV/APPR modes of operation
    • Fixed the logic of Weight on Wheels detection
    • New VOR/ILS type detection routine
    • Implemented the composite brakes temperature and efficiency simulation
    • Simulating the FADEC "NO DISPATCH" flag
    • Corrected the Vertical Speed reversion when alt selected crosses the current altitude
    • Flight Director re-developed to allow the correct manual operation (pitch/roll axis)
    • Fixed rudder shutoff logic
    • Fixed a bug in the Sound System, that sometimes result in the CTD upon exiting the simulator


    • Minor fixes on the VNAV pages
    • Minor fixes in the airway selection logic and insertion into the FPL
    • FPL DIstance to Destination page will update the distance in real time
    • Added the FPL SUMMARY page (visible on the ground only)
    • Added the overfly time indication for the waypoints on the FPL page
    • Removed the blinking coursor and updated the cursor entry alignment forn numerical entries


    • Partial P3D compatibility
    • Reduced the mouse click zones on the disconnect handles


    • PFD Display: Added dumping to the IAS indication
    • PFD Display: Fixed the CDI width flickering when MFD->PFD reversion is in use
    • NAV Display: DATA function will not show the VORs which are shown as part of Flight Plan
    • Performance optimization by using the faster memory cleanup during display output
    • Fixed the incorrect SAT indication on the ED
    • NAV Display: No FMS flight plan will be presented in the VOR mode
    • PFD Display: Flight Director sometimes showing without active FGM modes fixed


    • Control Panel will save the last Weight and Balance values entered
    • Fixed the incorrect fuel setup when the APU is running


    • Fixed the inability of the installer to accept more than a single word as a last name input
    • Added a new directX components updater


    • Fixes in the pilots visibility logic (external views)
    • Fixed the First Officer VC camera position
    • Added the joystick connector to send joystick button commands to the minternal Q400 variables (see Special Features Guide for details)
    • Setting fuel flows via fsuipc (for XAcars)
    • Added XML variable interface for reading the internal Q400 systemvariables (specification available on request)


    • Added maneuvres section to the System Manual
    • Added the joystick connector manual to the Special Features guide

    The MJC8 Q400 addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator X is a highly realistic rendition, built after the Bombardier (tm) Dash8 Q400 aircraft. There are 3 available editions, differentiating in the price and the included features.

    • "PILOT" is an edition, designed for home flightsimmers, who want a state-of-the-art hardcore add-on but do not require the complex features, such as the instructor panel system monitoring, circuit breakers simulation, failures simulation, or the shared cockpit.
    • "PRO" edition is for advanced users, or airline pilots wishing to improve their knowledge of the Dash8 Q400 airplane. This edition has all the features of the PILOT edition, plus the Headup Guidance System simulation, the shared cockpit feature and several more (please see the comparative table below for the full list).
    • "TRAINING" edition is dedicated to the airlines, wishing to have a good quality inexpensive solution for the Dash8 Q400 technical and procedural training for both technical staff and the flight crews. The table below enumerates all the main features per version.


    Our addon is the only one available on the market, which includes a built-in Flight Dynamics Engine completely independent from the default FSX FDE. The consequence of this is a much more realistic aerodynamics behavior of the aircraft, in particular the realistic wind simulation, enhahced propeller physics including the propeller discing and auto rotation, effects of the propeller airstream on the wing lift and the icing effects on the propeller, wings and the flight surfaces.


    The Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) simulates most of the ICAO defined CASII functions, and provides the traffic indication, as well as the traffic and resolution advisories. The TCAS works with both the AI traffic, and the virtual ATC network traffic (Vatsim/IVAO..)


    The dual Flight Management System, included in the package is built after the Universal ™ 1E FMS, and is developed with a high degree of detalization. The FMS system is capable of navigation in 3 dimensions (LNAV+VNAV), the RNP based navigation, the Fuel and Performance Management. The up to date navigation database, provided by our navigation data supplier Navigraph (subject to the additional charges, please see the http://navigraph.com for details), can be used to obtain the latest procedures. In addition, there is a custom provisions to control the availability of the ground services and the flow of the passenger announcements.


    Detailed layered paintkit in Photoshop format with a unique stitching tool

    17 high resolution liveries from around the world : 
    - Air Berlin 
    - Air Canada Express 
    - Alaska Airlines (Horizon Air) 
    - ANA (blue) 
    - ANA (green) 
    - Austrian 
    - Croatia 
    - FlyBe 
    - Lufthansa Regional (Augsburg Airlines) 
    - Luxair 
    - Qantas Link 
    - Porter 
    - SAS Commuter 
    - SATA 
    - Skywork 
    - United Express (Colgan Air) 
    - Wideroe
    - EuroLOT
    - Air Baltic


    In addition to the default announcements included with the aircraft, our scripting based announcement system allowes for building the custom announcements both per-livery or global. The announcement script can play the user defined sound files based upon the current condition of the aircraft systems and control states, thus allowing for a very customized and realistic announcement flows, specific to the particular airlines.

    •••FMS FPL WINDS (from v1.1)

    The FMS FPL winds functionality which is currently in development, and will be provided in the version 1.1 update, will allow the FMS to account for the enroute winds, thus increasing the fuel and time prediction accuracy.


    When saving or loading the flight in the Flight Simulator, the systems will also store or retrieve their respective states


    Our product includes its own Sound System, independant of the Microsoft Flight Simulator sound system. The sound system is Direct X based, and is using the custom DSP (Digital Signal Processing) effects to simulate the propeller sounds correctly. In addition, the system is 3D enabled for both the external and internal sounds, including the switches and controls sounds, as well as the voice announcements.


    The Addon Control Panel Application (CPAN) allowes the user to visually modify the most important parameters of the aircraft, as well as verify and apply the custom Weight and Balance configurations.


    In the PRO edition and higher, our Sound System can, in addition to the 3D mode, be configured to reproduce the particular sound groups via the dedicated speaker(s), such enabling the sophisticated home simulation setups. In addition, the sound system supports a second sound device (including the USB headsets) which can be used to separately output the headphone sounds.


    The Touch Control Steering mode allowes the pilot to use the control column movements to command the autopilot mode parameters, such as altitude, vertical speed and the indicated airspeed adjustments, without having to disengage the autopilot.


    The Equal Time Point (ETP) and Point of No Return (PNR) calculations are the advanced functions of the Performance management (PERF), used during the navigation in the deserted areas (oceanic navigation, deserts...) in order to verify that the aircraft has sufficient fuel to proceed to the selected destination in the normal and/or abnormal conditions.

     ••2D PANELS

    The full set of the 2D panels, which can be used to fly the aircraft the "traditional" way, or build a multiscreen cockpit by moving the panels onto the multiple monitors.


    We provide the simulation for all the circuit breakers in the cockpit with the correct mapping between the circuit breakers and the electrical equipment. The circuit breakers popup on short circuit is also simulated


    In the cases of the main gear retraction/extension system failre, the gear can be manually extended by using the alternate gear extension mechanism, which includes a manual hydraulic pump and a nose gear release assembly


    Our product is coming with a sophisticated scripting system, which can be used to set the scenarios for any failures in the airplane. The scenario can be random as well as triggered by the predefined conditions (engine failure on V1, for example). The scenarios can also be written by the users and include the scenario flow logic as well as the custom sound playback.


    The HGS allowes for the operation of the aircraft under the weather minimums up to CAT IIIa. Our HGS includes a system control panel and the Headup Display. The HGS system also accounts for the pilot head position and angle in a Virtual Cockpit.


    The Shared Cockpit is the way for two users to share the same cockpit over the network. Our Shared Cockpit syncronizes 2 instances of the addon over the home network or the internet.


    Is an external application, which can be used to monitor the status of the aircraft systems and apply the selected system failures over the network. In the PRO edition, all the systems can be monitored, however only the Electrical and Hydraulical failures can be triggered. In the TRAINING edition, all the system failures can be freely triggered.


    In the TRAINING edition, the flight controls can be disconnected and the respective independant flight controls system will account for the pilot flying position (based upon the pilot head position in the Virtual Cockpit, or the type of the main panel in the 2D cockpit).


    The Cockpit Hardware Interface is a UDP based network interface, which allows the numerous MJC8 Q400 components, such as our separate instrument executable, the 2D panel executables, as well as the custom built Dash-8 hardware - to be linked, enabling the user to build a full or a partial hardware cockpit


    A set of the network-enabled executables, showing the 2D panels independantly of the Microsoft Flight Simulator can be used to augment the home cockpit building or the CBT like pilot training applications.


    FMS will provide the RAIM prediction, and simulate the changing GPS accuracy accordingly


    Working FMS ARINC function, which can be used to request the weather at any METAR enabled airport, as well as (optionally) receive the weather analysis graphics for the current region.


    Are simulating the ARCDU maintenance interface with the appropriate error codes, thus allow to augment the technicians training


    The Simulator Training Manual is the document, explaining the best ways to utilize the TRAINING edition in order to prepare to the full simulator checks


    The Flight Data Recorder is a part of the System Control Application, which can be used to record and visually reproduce a flight, such allowing for the classroom demonstration or analysis of the particular situations in the aircraft operation.






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    FSX, FSX Steam, Prepa3D V2, Prepar3D V3


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    5 Etoiles
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    I love this plane! Wow what a well made simulation. This is as complete as it gets and so much detail. The Dash 8 is relatively easy to fly but if you’re not used to highly simulated planes it may take some practice. The way it responds in the sim definitely gives a big impression of realism. A gentle touch and careful trimming are required or it can easily be put out of control if you make exaggerated stick input movements. A light touch is all its needs for turns. I mean this is really something special.  Everything in the cockpit is simmed. A Clickers dream! The FMS is very in depth so make convoluted flight plans from the seat.  The liveries are all well done and you get a fair amount, but there could be more.  My only complaints are as follows: For some reason if I contact ATC to ask for taxi, take off or landing permissions and complete the read back, then got to FSX Map view for a few seconds, then come back and all those previous ATC requests are as if they never happened and I have to do it again. Pretty weird and annoying as I often like to get my approach frequencies from that Map after I contact ATC. No idea why this happens and it’s only started with this specific plane, and no others are affected.  The other complaint isn’t really a compliant but a wish. I wish there were a few more liveries.  All in all and considering how intensely this plane is simulated the frame rates are great. Same as any other well made plane no chugging. Unless approaching a heavily populated major scenery add on city and airport sceneries. Other wise no problem. Im sure results will very from PC to PC. A must have for serious or heavy use simmers.  Based on use with Win10 i7 3.3ghz 16GB RAM Intel UHD 630 integrated GPU. 


    Best turboprop simulation available for FSX! Extremely well designed! I fly it every week for 4 years in the skies of the Azores Islands! Congrats Majestic.


    Eins der besten Flugzeug-Addons auf dem FlightSim Markt. Egal in welcher Beziehung. Simauslastung, Optik, Flugverhalten, Systemtiefe, Sound, egal was, alles ist absolute Oberliga, die sich nur noch mit FSLabs A320 und PMDG 747-400 den Thron teilen darf. Danach kommt ne Weile nix mehr und dann gehts weiter.


    This is one of the most realistic and best planes that exist for FSX/P3D, it's just amazing. It has better FPS than others.


    UFF - ich bin einfach nur platt. Hier findet man wirklich mal ein Meisterwerk geistigen Handwerks. Und das auf vielen Ebenen. Hier haben sich sehr faehige Entwickler und Kenner sehr kreative und immer praxisnahe Gedanken gemacht und umgesetzt. Nirgendwo wird geprotzt - das ist auch bei dieser Qualitaet nicht noetig. Sowohl die optische Darstellung als auch die Systemtiefe sind, soweit ich das beurteilen kann, einwandfrei. Aber das Beeindruckendste ist fuer mich dabei, WIE sich dieser Flieger ( auch die Anordnung der Instrumente auf dem Zweitbildschirm ) konfigurieren laesst. Immer pragmatisch, uebersichtlich und schnell. Da macht sich sich wohl auch( aber nicht nur da )die hauseigene Engine sehr positiv bemerkbar. Alle Vorteile aufzuzaehlen, wuerde wohl Seiten fuellen. Anbei moechte ich bemerken, dass ich ein Laie als Flieger bin und mir alles selbst anlesen/schauen muss/darf, da ich niemand mit diesem Hobby persoenlich kenne. Ich war auch mal bei IVAO und die sind bestimmt auch gut, aber von den vielen tausend Mitgliedern, die dort registriert sind, ist oft niemand in den Kanaelen. Oder die sind soweit fortgeschritten in ihren Themen, dass ich da eh nicht mitkomme. War mir zu kompliziert. Zurueck zum eigentlichen Produkt: Ein M E I S T E R W E R K Ich wuensch euch allen "GUTEN FLUG"


    TOP NOTCH Got the dash 8 and active sky next as an xmas gift and i'm completely stunned at the sheer quality of this aircraft, not just visuals but also mechanics. Truly the most realistic plane for FSX in my opinion!
    Kann mich meinen Vorrednern nur anschließen. Ich weiß nicht, was man an einem Flugzeug im FSX / in P3D noch besser machen könnte. Gäbe es 6 Sterne, hätte ich sie gegeben!


    Das beste was ich jemals am PC geflogen bin Systemtiefe, Handling und das VC sind einfach Spitzenklasse ABSOLUT EMPFEHLENSWERT!


    Such a Nice Aircraft even in Pilot Edition. I would recommend it for 100%. If you are a Turboprop fan and like the Dash 8 just get it its really nice. They did a very good job.


    I purchased this airplane more than six months ago. Since then my first choice of flying in FSX/VATSIM is DH8D by Majestic Software. Of course there took place some technical problems, especially with losing of LOC/GS and the lack of turbulence, but all major bugs seem to be fixed by the last update to the version 1.008. Of course it's not the plane for someone who does not want to learn it. It's also not for those who want to fly in semi or long distances, because Dash is not a demon of cruise speed. But if you give enough time and attention to this airplane, it will reward you a very real representation of the real turboprop. I can only say: Majestic Software - very well done!

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    Avertissement contre le piratage de logiciels

    Protection de votre achat

    Les add-ons pour simulateurs de vol que vous achetez sont protégés par des droits d'auteur au niveau international. Cela garantit que les droits des créateurs sont respectés et que leur travail innovant est protégé.

    Pourquoi le piratage de logiciels nuit à tous

    Le piratage de logiciels sape le dévouement et la créativité des développeurs. Lorsque vous téléchargez ou distribuez des add-ons piratés, cela affecte la capacité des créateurs à continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité. Cela a un impact sur toute la communauté en réduisant la disponibilité de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour.

    Conséquences du piratage de logiciels

    • Risques juridiques: Le piratage de logiciels peut entraîner de graves conséquences juridiques, y compris des amendes et des poursuites.
    • Menaces pour la sécurité: Les logiciels piratés contiennent souvent des logiciels malveillants, mettant en danger vos données personnelles et la sécurité de votre système.
    • Absence de support: Les copies non autorisées ne reçoivent pas de support officiel ou de mises à jour, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes et des vulnérabilités potentielles.

    Comment vous pouvez aider

    1. Achetez légitimement: Achetez toujours des add-ons auprès de vendeurs autorisés comme SimMarket pour vous assurer de recevoir des produits authentiques.
    2. Signalez le piratage de logiciels: Si vous rencontrez des add-ons piratés, signalez-les aux autorités ou aux créateurs originaux.
    3. Éduquez les autres: Sensibilisez les autres aux impacts négatifs du piratage de logiciels et encouragez-les à soutenir les développeurs en achetant des copies légitimes.

    Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.

    € 40.49

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