The Aérospatiale Alouette III is a single-engine, light utility helicopter developed by French aircraft company Sud Aviation. During its production life, it proved to be a relatively popular rotorcraft; including multiple licensed manufacturers, in excess of 2,000 units were constructed.
The Alouette III was developed as an enlarged derivative of the earlier and highly successful Alouette II. Sharing many elements with its predecessor while offering an extra pair of seats and other refinements, it quickly became a commercial success amongst both civil and military customers. Further variants were also developed; amongst these was a high-altitude derivative, designated as the SA 315B Lama, entered operational service during July 1971. The Alouette III was principally manufactured by Aérospatiale; the type was also built under licence by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in India as the HAL Chetak, by Industria Aeronautică Română (IAR) in Romania as the IAR 316 and F+W Emmen (de) in Switzerland.
A beautiful model . but unfortunately it didn't work for me .Rather disappointing. The creator was most helpful and tried many ways of guiding me through the installation. Their final help must have worked for them when the installed it at their end But sadly not for me . I can only conclude that the fault is at my end.
It’s hard to find a realistic helicopter for FSX, as we all know. MP Design has had a very good reputation offering the most realistic possible models. So I picked this up based on the reviews. First thing I noticed was that this is not an average helicopter. From the start I heard and saw something different from the pack. I was immediately put in my place as a confident FSX helicopter pilot and had to relearn everything. I was used to the usual things. Little of that experience carried over to this. It took a few flights and crashes to get the hang of this chopper and I’m still not certain I get it. Strangely I love that feeling. It’s a real challenge that for the first time after many previous helicopters I’ve tried an enjoyed, leaves me with an impression of what it might be like to fly a real helicopter even with a standard HOTAS set up. As close as I can get anyway. The Alouette has unique characteristics I’ve not experienced before and I have a little ways to go still before I can say I am totally competent with it.
The challenge is there for sure.
The shake effect is very cool, and when you start to get into trouble there are more intense audio and visual cues telling me I need to make an adjustment to my flying habits quickly of suffer.
The visual models are really good for their age. You can also make a number of visual changes to the chosen model after starting a flight. Changes like baskets, antenna, loud speakers and more. There are several liveries in this package to choose from even if a few are only subtly different from another.
If you love helicopters and have felt like you’ve tried them all, feeling like they are mostly all the same, then you should seriously consider this add on. It’s not like all the rest at all. It will challenge you. It’s a solid add on for sure.
bilan très mitigé
l’hélicoptère est parfait et il y a pléthore d'équipements que l'on peut ajouter à sa guise.
le rendu de pilotage est très réaliste et pour le maîtriser il faut de la patience.
la seule ombre au tableau cet l'installation dans flight. la scène ne s'installe pas toute seule et j'ai énormément galéré pour y arriver.
je donne la note de 2 étoiles
5 stars for model, FDE, cockpit-cabin animation and sound. I have seen better textures, but the overall package is simply great. One highlight is the configuration panel where you can add/remove antennas, chocks, baskets, floats, a winch and some others. From the outside it sounds like the real one, inside its accordingly loud as I would expect.
Sehr schönes Modell!! Schön wäre, wenn noch ein livery von der alten REGA Alouette 3 als repaint kommen würde! :) Aber sonst alles top! Und super Kundenservice!!! Gerne wieder!!