The MFI-17 Mushshak (The Proficient) is a light-weight, robust, two/three seats, single engine, predominantly all metal aircraft with tricycle fixed landing gear.
The aircraft is modeled for FSX and will be updated in the future with more liveries and a versions of the virtual cockpit.
Accurate and highly detailed rendition of Mushshak aircraft
Highly detailed virtual cockpit
Accurately animated parts and instruments
3D gauges
Light halo Effects
Hight FPS and no performance hits
Flown and tested by real aircraft pilots
Opening canopy animation
Close to reality flight dynamics
Moving rudder, ailerons, flaps and other control surfaces
Animated elevator trim tab
Multiple liveries to choose from
Version 2.0 changes include:
Added more repaints (RDAF, RNoAF Green/Yellow)
Added the missing OAT gauge on the left wing inside virtual cockpit
Corrected gear textures
Modified engine textures for external models
Added Helmet as used in T-17s
Increased brake strength so that aircraft doesn't move on full throttle
Nice textures, flight dynamics differ from the real plane. No spinning possible.
Why including nonfunctional avionics? Every item should fullfill its normal intended function. There are no US labels in our planes.
Not available from other companys, so you have no choice if you would like to have it in your collection.
Important: The plane is usable in P3D V4 and works without glitches!
Just copy the airplane files to your P3D airplane folder. The effect files are not needed.
OK this isn’t the highest quality plane ever. It is however a very nice plane. Despite the slightly low rez visuals (but not terrible or as low as the common freeware) the plane is very well simulated. A lot of add on plane fly just fine but lack any real feeling of it being natural. Obviously nothing is natural about a simulation but when a developer carefully codes the flight characteristics of their aircraft to respond and react to the simulated environment, then you have something special. This is one of those planes! It responds to winds and turbulence about as naturally as possible in my opinion. That is something worth having. The responses also aren’t exaggerated or inappropriately understated either. It gives a very realistic impression of flying within the simulator world. That said the textures while not flashy are actually really what the real plane looks like. It’s not a real world fancy or eye candy type of plane and you get that here all the same, could it be a little better? Sure. But I’ll take accuracy over fluff any day.
Not really worth more than the on sale price all things considered, full price should be avoided if possible. I’m ok with the $9 U.S. that I paid and am really enjoying this little bird.
Based on use with FSX Steam Win10 i7 3.3ghz 16GB Ram Intel UHD630 integrated GPU 128MB dedicated. Recommended!
Wer daran interessiert ist, für seinen FS einen interessanten einmotorigen Schulterdecker mit T-Leitwerk in angemessener Freeware-Qualität zum Preis von wenig mehr als 20 € zu erwerben, der mag mit der MSK-Saab MFI-17 hinreichend bedient sein, wenn er viel Wert auf das Saab-Baumuster legt. Allerdings sollte er sich nicht an den Ecken und Kanten (Polygonen) "stoßen" und sich während des Fluges beim Blick von außen ins Cockpit nicht über jedwede fehlende Animation ärgern. Selbst der Pilot ist zu keiner Regung fähig, obgleich sich das Flugzeug wunderbar handhaben lässt, auch wenn das etwas triste Panel nur mit dem Nötigsten ausgestattet ist.
Von solch mangelhafter Qualität bei Payware-Produkten bin ich bislang - auch bei simMarket - verschont geblieben. Dieses Addon gehört einfach nicht ins Payware-Programm.
H.-Wolfgang Schröder
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