Xichang Qingshan Airport is a 4D-level public civil airport in Sichuan Province, but it can still ensure the operation AN124 and B747. Since 1990, it has successively guaranteed the transportation of more than 15 satellites.
1.Modeling of the terminal, tower and other buildings based on satelite and real photos(thanks for the picture probvided by ISSAC and Internet), including the interior modeling of the terminal.
2.Manual created runway and taxiway, include custom runway edge light, custom taxiway edge light
3.Moedels use a lot of PBR texture.
4.Custom Jetway.
5.Custom ground lines and textures.
6.Offical GSX Profile.
7. ZUXC is a public airport, you can use navigraph for route plans and charts.
User lincences for purchasing users:
1.The copyright and ownership of the scenery are owned by NICOHU.
2.This scenery is for personal use, and not allowed to reproduced, transmit, modify, pirat or share in any form.By the way, don't use or modify this scenery model for other simulator.
3. The scenery now only for MSFS2020!!!
4.This scenery is based on MSFS Developer SDK, some objects ues "fs-base" model.
5.All legal effects shall be subject to the Chinese version of the introduction(in the scenery folder), and the English version of the introduction is only for the purpose of facilitating understanding.If you don't agree the clauses above, please do not purchase, thank you.