Originally planned as a former Air Force Base back in 1916, Rome Ciampino "Giovanni Battista Pastine" airport now serves both as the secondary airport of the city of Rome, and as a the city's main military airbase.
Mainly operated by Low Cost Carriers, Ciampino serves as a near downtonwn low cost option, compared to the bigger Leonardo Da Vinci international Airport. It is also equipped with a cargo terminal and a huge general aviation and private aviation apron.
Now alvailable for MSFS, this redesign of the scenery seeks to improve the in and out flying experience for this airport.
Scenery includes:
True to life aprons and parkings.
More than 50 custom taxiway markings.
Updated runway and runway lighting.
Improved ground materials and textures.
Accurate commercial gates and general aviation parking positioning, numeration and services.