Fokker 50 is a medium large size aircraft found in many counties of the world! The aircraft structure is based on 40 years of experience with Fokker 27 Friendship. It's success surpassed belief and this has resulted in an economic repair life of 90,000 landings.
PAOB wanted to create an aircraft that it will make your sim flight experience even more challenging and realistic.
PAOB Fokker 50 provides a high level of detail, plus detailed Operation Manuals and realistic procedures like Check Lists.
Detailed does not mean complex - The Flight deck Fokker 50 features a 'dark cockpit' philosophy - It is easy to fly and all contribute to reduced pilot workload. The panel is quite user friendly, so you do not need to spend a month on reading huge manuals.
Our manual is a 80 page pdf file and the an additional 20 page "Speed & Performance" Excel table. You can concentrate on the realistic "Check Lists" procedures which are built in panels by integrated file system with voice.
PAOB's products feature - "Art of Machine" philosophy - so we are not only especially great on precise Modeling, but also strong in Flight Dynamics. We try our best to input the real data on flight dynamic files, then being the intensive flight dynamic test.
The Panel Project Development is in cooperation with a talented gauge programmer and panel designer. Our virtual cockpit panel simulation was upgraded to a new level!
Fokker 50 Feature
Realistic flight model and animated parts are accurate configuration:
Detail 3D Virtual Cockpit & Virtual Cabin
Main, Overhead, Pedestal panels are almost fully functions
Flexible-wing effect
High detail on external model
High resolution graphics for livery & panel
5 airlines livery: KLM, VLM, SonAir, MASwing and VLM-Aanvalluh
More liveries will be coming soon
Accurate animate on flaps, rudder, aileron, elevator
Detail Propeller, gear compressed,
Wing root section and wing profile
Wing Root Airfoil, NACA 64-421
Wing Tip Airfoil, NACA 64-415
Steerable front gear and retractable gears
Highly detailed gear and accurate moving parts
Animated passenger door & gear door
Reflective shinely & light-map texture
Metallic object is really reflect with environment
Reflective glass is really transparent and reflective
Detailed windows are really cut on the cockpit and cabin
Over FS standard's cockpit 2D panel
Authentic sound effect created for real Fokker 50
Fokker 50 Panel Design
Air Conditioning, Anti-Ice, Auto-Flight, APU, Communications, Check Lists, Electrical, Fire Protection, Flight Instruments, Fuel, Hydraulics, Landing Gear, Navigation, Power Plant, Pressurization, Night lighting, Sound effect.
The CAP - "Central Annunciator Panel" is a integrated alerting system which we have been simulated the failures and warnings as follows:
LEVEL 3 ALERTS, LEVEL 2 ALERTS, LEVEL 1 ALERTS, Warning inhibit modes, Warning system tests, Other failure lights.
Air Conditioning
Cockpit and cabin temperature control
Engine, airframe, probes and window anti-ice systems
Flight Mode Panel
Automatic vertical and lateral guidance
FS GPS integrated with FMP
Auxiliary Power Unit for electrical and pneumatic needs on the ground
Two VHF COMM radios
Two Mode C Transponder
Check Lists
Integrated file system with voice
Power Plant
Propeller Speed indicator
Two Engine RPM indicators:
Nh: High-pressure spool-speed indicator
Nl: Low-pressure spool-speed indicator
Inter-Turbine Temperature (ITT)
Torque indicators
Oil Temperature indicators
Oil Pressure indicators
Engine Rating Panel
Auto-Feather indicator
Power Control Handles
Fuel Shut-off Levers
Simulated AC and DC systems
Digital displays to monitor state of AC and DC system
Multiple power sources: engine, APU or ground power
Fire Protection
Full fire detection system with engine shut-off valves
Overhead panel fire handles
Flight Instruments
Primary Flight Display (PFD) or Enhanced ADI (EADI)
Navigation Display (ND) or Enhanced HSI (EHSI)
Airspeed/Mach Indicator with speed bugs
Vertical Speed Indicator
Radio Navigation Indicator (RMI)
Standby horizon
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)
Night lighting
Instrument lights
Instrument panel backlights
Cockpit flood light
Sound effects
Check List
Warning & Caution
V-speed call out & DH
Flaps, Gears, GPWS
Buttons & Switchers
APU & Air Conditioner
Engine power startup rating callout
Fuel Control Levers
Booster pump switches
Fuel Temperature Indicator
Fuel Flow Indicator
Fuel Quantity Indicator
Fuel Level Warning
Hydraulic Panel with pressure and quantity indicator
Engine pumps and electric pumps
Landing Gear
Seven landing gear status indicators
Landing gear lever
In transition light
Alternate gear extension lever
Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator (RDMI)
Navigation Display (ND) or Enhanced HSI (EHSI)
Two VHF NAV radios
Two ADF units
FS GPS integrated with auto-flight system
Cabin altitude, cabin climb and differential pressure indicator
A second review after a few weeks flying:
As a Dutchman I wanted to have the complete KLM & KLM cityhopper fleet 2009 complete. This was almost no problem, cause for every plane there was a good Addon on the market. However, not for the Fokker 50. I found one, but some movies on the Internet did not impress me. A few weeks ago someone pointed me to the new Fokker 50 on the market from PAOB. He was pleased and knew that I was searching for my last piece of the puzzle.
I did some research and found some information on the internet, which impressed me. PAOB did produce another product, which was very nice to handle. This convinced me to go ahead and buy the Fokker. I am glad to say that this was the right decision.
The PAOB Fokker 50 is a nice aircraft which does fits in my fleet. It handles very nicely and most systems are simulated. Combined with the Integrated Simavionics package for the FMC (which has to be bought separately, it is quite simple a plane which is must for the real flightsimmer. The classic Fokker family has to be one of the outsiders in everyone's fleet.
The Fokker is (also without the FMC) a plane which has to be learned. It is not a simple plane such as the standard default planes, but a plane which requires a knowledge from the professional flightsimmer. Landing on a difficult airport as London City or Innsbruck becomes the standard for those pilots who failed with their other and slightly bigger planes.
The Fokker 50 handles like a real turboprop. Having flown the real Fokker 50 as a passenger for many times, I can say it feels, hears en looks like the real thing. The sound of the engine is as it should be. The reverse of the props make the sound which I (as a neighbor of EHAM) hear frequently. The after sales is wonderful. You will get in direct contact with the developer. He also made the panel for me, to combine the plane with the ISG FMC. I heard there was some criticism about the crosswind landing of the plane. There was not enough Yaw ability. I totally disagree. I tested this for PAOB and found that the plane with moderate and heavy crosswind handles exactly like the real Fokker should do. Landing crosswind will always be work. Don't be a lazy pilot ;-). The test was done under manual and ILS conditions. Even in manual mode I managed to hit the centerline of RWY 27 on EHAM as I should do.
It's clear I am very happy with this plane. It's worth it. With or without the ISG package.
Yesterday I bought this plane. At first I had to get used to it, cause I am used to the large Add on ac, not to a Turbo prop as the Fokker 50.
However, after reading on the internet, after reading the manual, and testflying, I learned the ac very fast. I only have some trouble to learn how to decent, the ac starts to climb again, but I will also find the trick. De ILS and other systems where logical thinking.
The AC flies beautifuly. It handles wonderfull and is good flyable by hand. I am deeply in love.
The after sales service is great. I send a mail abt something and got an answer within a few hours!
The Paob Fokker 50 is a welcome addition to my fleet. (My fleet:
I recently bought PAOB fokker 50 and, at first sight, graphics are good and so flight dynamics (i'm not a real F50 pilot but the flight behaviour seems right for that kind of regional turboprop), but that's it. Some announced features are missing (test panel) or not working at all (nav 2 select, engines and doors lights on alert panel....). What you really get with PAOB F50 is much more like an expensive beta version than a finished payware product. Finally PAOB F50 does not worth the price and is so far a quite bad value for money. I hope nevertheless that all the problems will be fixed in a future and upgraded version.
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