€ 16.50



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São Paulo is a Brazilian city, capital of the State of São Paulo and main financial centre, corporate and mercantile in South America. It is the most populous city of Brazil, of the American continent and throughout the southern hemisphere, and the most influential Brazilian city on the global stage, being considered the 14th city more globalized planet. São Paulo is the capital of the most populous state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, standing next to the parallel 23° 32 ‘ 52 ‘’ South and the Meridian 46° 38 ‘ 09 ‘’ West. The total area of the municipality is 1522.986 km2, according to the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE), being the ninth largest in territorial extension. Of the whole area of the municipality, 968.3248 km2 are urban areas, being the largest urban area in the country. Sao Paulo’s Congonhas airport 3 (SBSP), Campo de Marte(SBMT) and GuarulhosCumbica (SBGR) 

Included in Scenery Package

  • City 3Dbuilding of São Paulo.
  •  Autogen houses, trees.
  •  Night Light Santos, São Paulo and area.
  •  Stadiums , Palmerias, Pacaembu, São Paulo, Corinthians, Portugesa othes 3D improve.
  •  Guarulhos and Congonhas Airport Light version.

Mots clés


X-Plane 11
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 or Linux or Mac
Multi Core Processor (CPU): Quad Core 3,0 GHz
Minimum 8 GB RAM
DirectX 11 Graphics Card with at least 2 GB of on-board, dedicated VRAM


Total des Avis


Note Moyenne


5 Etoiles
4 Etoiles
3 Etoiles
2 Etoiles
1 Etoile


I must be missing something here: If THAT version of the scenery is from 2017, why does it still have the Terminal 3 in construction? T3 was finished 2014 afaik. It seems the version of the scenery that is sold here is actually unchanged from the version sold in 2013. Is there no upgrade to that? 2013/2014 is pretty long long long ago, and the description seems to indicate the scenery is more modern than it actually is.


I am long time fan of Paulo Ricardo’s sceneries. The level of effort he puts into his work results in ultra highly detailed and realistic sceneries. Enough to say that I was able to find the apartment where my parents live in São Paulo, both in the P3D and in the XP11 versions, And it’s not a famous building or apartment, it’s a regular one. But it’s there, realistically depicted. Highly recommended!


I have all the Paulo's sceneries for both P3D & XPlane and they are excellent! This is a must have for XPlane 11 if you like challenging approaches. Love this entire scenery.


Amazing scenery! This pack with Sao Paulo i a must have city for Xplane 11!


Its been a while since giving my experience and on this occasion, I wish it was a good one. I am a huge fan of Paulo work from FSX to P3d and now onto xplane. But I must admit that I was quite disappointed with this one especially around SBGR. Now, I don't know if both P3D and Xplane share the same challenges with densely populated areas, but I get the same poor performance looking towards the city in both Xplane and P3d (taxiing to runway 7 or landing on 25s. Can't say if its a coding issue or something else but I hope he can resolve this so the scenery could bear a better approval rating.


A really good scenery but can be perfected in certain aspects imo: - SBGR is missing the main international terminal (the terminal is a construction site in the scenery), which makes this giant airport a hastle to find a fitting gate if your are flying a long haul flight with a big aircraft. - The runways use the default Xp11 runway texture which isnt too realisitc compared to other sceneries. The following is more of a perfectionist issue of mine that doesnt affect how the scenery actually looks in the sim: I feel the folder organization could have been better, as is this scenery puts 21 separate scenery folders (!!) into your "Custom Scenery" folder, and you kinda loose the overview (especially the way they are named they are scattered between all your other sceneries) A_TreeSPLib B_TreeSPLib2 C_Santos D_SBSP Congonhas Airport v2.0Light E_PR_Guarulhos F_MegaSP_Ilumination2 G_MegaSP_Ilumination H_MegaSPaulo J_SP11 K_SP10 L_SP9 M_SP8 N_SP7 O_SP6 P_SP5 Q_SP4 R_SP3 S_SP2 T_SP1 U_sao-paulo_Roads z_Ortho4XPMegaSP1 Final verdict: I do recommend this airport for any long haul and/or brazil simmer, but it would be greatly appreciated to get an update that at least includes the finished international terminal.


I've used Mega Sao Paulo on P3D and it was probably one of the best sceneries i've ever seen. And the best of all, it wasn't that fps heavy on my system, until it would fill up memory and crash to desktop every now and then. Now that I've become a XPLANE 11 convert, as many have, I assume, I've decided to write a review based on the issues that I've had with this scenery in XPLANE 11. I was unable to find any type of resource online how to fix it (make it better I suppose). Basically, I've had to figure it all out by myself. First of all, keep in mind that to run this scenery in an acceptable 20 FPS, you will need the best of the best hardware. My rig is a i7-7700K watercooled overclocked to 5GHZ with a DDR4 overclocked to 3200mhz. My graphics card is a eVGA GTX 1080ti running on stock clock. Still I'm only getting around 20FPS flying around town. Max 25FPS and minimum 15fps. Initially after installation of the scenery, it looked nothing like what the video showed. Congonhas airport looked very different from what I've seen and the runaway had a slope towards 17R. So I guessed that for this scenery to run at its best, it had to have Ortho4XP scenery installed as well. As I'm pretty new to XPLANE 11, I had not idea what Ortho4XP was. The manual does not mention that Ortho4XP part for Sao Paulo had to be installed to work great AT ALL. Anyway, so I did by clicking on the links in the manual. However I've had issues decompresssing the files as some of them were corrupted. So I tried the direct link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6lsy5njbrb62r84/zOrthoBrazil_Hartung_-24-047_SBGR-SBSP-SBMT_mesh_v1.00.zip It's a large file, so it will take a while as the upload from the server is quite slow too. Installed and made sure the scenery was added before MegaSP files in scenery.ini That did the trick. Now it looks fantastic! However FPS was even worse than before. Adjusted the rendering down a bit and it's working at around the 20 FPS mark. Acceptable, but not GOOD. So be aware of if you purchase this scenery. You do need a powerful rig. Otherwise, better off forget about it.


This lives up to the incredible quality Paulo Ricardo has achieved in FSX and P3D! Please be aware that you need to download additional freeware that needs to be in this order under the Sao Paulo entries after installing this product, or the package will not work correctly: SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Ruscenery/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/world-models/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/ff_library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/ff_library_extended_LOD/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/JB_Objects/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/R2_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/MisterX_Library/

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  • Risques juridiques: Le piratage de logiciels peut entraîner de graves conséquences juridiques, y compris des amendes et des poursuites.
  • Menaces pour la sécurité: Les logiciels piratés contiennent souvent des logiciels malveillants, mettant en danger vos données personnelles et la sécurité de votre système.
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  1. Achetez légitimement: Achetez toujours des add-ons auprès de vendeurs autorisés comme SimMarket pour vous assurer de recevoir des produits authentiques.
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Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.

€ 16.50

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