The MD-11, the world's only modern large, wide-cabin trijet, offers a highly sophisticated flight deck and advanced automatic system controls that substantially reduces pilot workload. In service with customers in all parts of the world, the MD-11 was produced in Long Beach, California, at the Douglas Products Division of the Boeing Commercial Airplanes until February 2001. A worldwide network of subcontractors and suppliers supported the assembly line.
Product comes now for both FSX and FS2004, so you have an option during the installation process to choose the desired version.
Product Features
2 Gmax Models (Passengers and Cargo)
Detailed 3d textures
Full moving parts including: Flaps, Rudder, Ailerons, Spoilers, Gear, Passenger Doors, Cargo hatches, Reversers, Virtual Cockpit Controls
Full night lighting inside and out
Strobes and beacons set to Boeing specifications
Md-11 panel 3D Virtual Cockpit (passenger cabin included)
Very realistic engines stereo sounds
External views includes: Right and Left Side , Landing Gear, Tail, Right and Left Wing
35 Liveries: Aeroflot Cargo, Delta Airlines Old, World Airlines, Vasp Airlines, Varig Airlines, Thay Airlines, Swiss Airlines, Saudi Arabian Cargo, Perfect Flight, Martinair, WOW Lufthansa Cargo, Korean Air, KLM, JAL, House Color, Ghana, Gemini, Garuda, Finnair Old, Fedex, Eva Air Cargo, City Bird, China Airlines, Alitalia, American Airlines, Ups, Fedex Panda Express, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Delta Airlines New Colors, Finnair New Colors, Shanghai Airlines Cargo, Transmile, China Cargo, Martinair Cargo, Lufthansa Cargo
Missions / Adventures - Product also includes 12 Missions / Adventures (for both FSX and FS2004 version). Missions gives you more realistic flight experience recreating a real word ambience with Complete Ai/ATC interaction; Speed restriction; Complete Cabin Announcement; gear, flaps, parking brakes, warnings. Check Lists Procedures (pre-start, taxi, before t/o, after t/o, descend, landing, parking) Speeds Call, 80 Knt,V1, Vr, V2, flaps, gear, GPWS, Radar Altimeter, Flight Briefing and more. Missions gives you more realistic flight experience recreating a real word ambience. So, fell free to enable you to test your flying skills with the MD-11 in different weather condition
Charts Book - Pintable Chart Book have been included in the package with all Approach and Airport charts to use in the missions (also available in the Start Menu)
This is not MD-11.
Stay away from this.
And yes I agree this should be a freeware.
Or maybe this shouldn't have existed.
Just don't buy this one. Don't.
This is not a good buy. If you want quality for your money, you should stay away from this.
It is hard to get the airplane into the right altitude. And the sound is far away from realistic.
The airframe doesn't look like a MD11.
This should be freeware
Thore Karlsen
Als großer MD-11 Fan, habe ich bei diesem Pack ohne viel Nachzudenken zugeschlagen. Der erste Eindruck war sehr positiv - nahezu alle (Fracht-)Varianten, die ich mir erwünscht hatte waren dabei. Beim Erstflug kam schnell die Ernüchterung - das Außenmodell ist nett, haut mich aber nicht vom Hocker, es gab schon unter FS2004 besseres. Das virtuelle Cockpit ist auch alles andere als ein Renner - da gibt es selbst beim FS2004 bessere Freeware VCs!
Was ich nie verstehen werde ist, warum Publisher Maschinen nicht mit einer vernünftigen Fuel/Payload Einstellung abliefern. Defaultmäßig ist die MD-11 hoffnungslos überladen und auch nach langem rumtüfteln ist es kaum möglich die Maschine auszubalancieren.
Mittlerweile habe ich "Fly the MD-11 X" wieder deinstalliert, stattdessen fliege ich nun die MD-11 aus Overlands Boeing Packet. Deren Außenmodell ist deutlich überlegen und es gibt unzählige Texturen in den einschlägigen Portalen.
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