FS Approaches Vol. 5 - US Airports offers you a realistic collection of multi-crew airline missions to replicate real life approach plates. Missions give you a realistic flight experience in one of the most important phase of flying.
Special Feature extended - You can install a special feature that allow you to use any plane of your choice (instead of the included fleet) and edit time, date and season for each approach/mission. You does not need of external program or make complicated actions such adjustment, modification or file editing. Just install the special feature, choose the plane, time, date and season direct from the FSX Free Flight Menu, then choose the desired mission and fly with your favorite aircraft and settings without losing the Success message.
Product feature:
33 approach/missions over all major Airport in US (see mission table below)
230 (!) navigation charts for ALL arrival airports. Charts are provided in two format: image Jpeg (to use in FSX), and PDF (high resolution) for external use
Tutorial - Learn how to use the GPS to execute an Approach. The User Guide includes detailed instruction about Basic Approach operation, Approaches with Procedure Turns, MIssed Approach, Approach with a Hold, Vector to Final Approach, and more
Fleet - product also includes Boeing 737-400 Southwest, Airbus A321 JetBlue and Boeing 747-400 Virgin Atlantic