Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport (SKBQ) is located in Barranquilla, the carnival city of Colombia. Known as "La Arenosa" is famous because of the "Carnaval de Barranquilla" featuring history, music and the well known happiness of Colombian people. Its the home city of the national football team, the "Metropolitano" stadium has become a cathedral. Its located at the Caribbean coast of Colombia where the Magdalena river, the most important in the country, ends. - Both versions included in one product (P3D v3 - P3D v4).
- Both versions included in one product (P3D v3 - P3D v4).
- Custom ground, runways and taxiways with complex materials.
- Custom pre-rendered lighting.
- P3D V4 ready with dynamic lighting.
- New terminal expansion.
- Made with LODs for performance.
- 3D Grass.
- Surrounding landmarks.
- Custom airport vehicles.
The airport itself is very nice, especially the wear and tear of the terminal buildings. That creates an atmospheric place. However, the aerial image around the airport is really washed and it would need way more autogen to hide that. They can do better with their newer sceneries.
However, still a beautiful place to fly to and one more important (and much needed) scenery for Latin America!!
The scenario is good but the activation policy is bad, the honest buyer suffers, and P3D is problematic, requires constant formatting of the PC, this producer as well as most of the few licenses, giving inconvenience to the honest buyer.
PKSIM´s SKBQ is awesome! This scenery of Barranquilla´s airport in Colombia for P3Dv4 is so accurate and well achieved it´s almost unbelievable. Comparing it to some other sceneries of Latin America is far way forward: FPS are excellent, static aircraft is great (Kfir´s) , grass and textures are amazing, the city port and the soccer stadium just as the real ones, dynamic lighting too. Off course, if you enable 3D grass it is going to hit hard your frames, but go for it! / SKBQ de PKSIM es maravilloso! Este escenario del aeropuerto de Barranquilla en Colombia para P3Dv4 es tan acertado y bien hecho que parece mentira. Si se compara con otros escenarios de desarrolladores para Latinoamérica se pasa de calidad. Los frames son excelentes, los Kfir´s tal cual, el pasto y las texturas son perfectas, el puerto de la ciudad y el estadio Metropolitano tal como son en la realidad, luces dinámicas también. Por supuesto, si le activas la grama en 3D se bajan mucho los frames, pero ve por él!