SBAR / AJU - Aracaju / Santa Maria Airport is the main Airport that serves the city of Aracaju. Aracaju has about 660.000 inhabitants, and is one of the best cities in the Brazilian northeast in terms of quality of life. The airport is located at about 11 km from the city center, and about 3 km from the Atalaia beach, the main source of tourism in the city. Aracaju is the capital of the state of Sergipe.
In the year 2019, Aena took administration of the airport from the state company Infraero. Aena planned a rehaul of the terminal and airport, and during the year 2023, Aracaju Airport underwent construction processes of the rehaul, and in June 2024, an inauguration took place marking the end of the rehaul construction process.
I developed this scenery to account for this rehaul, which added new jetways and parking spots, as well as changed the terminal to a different modern style. With this scenery, you can have the most up to date experience of Aracaju Airport!
» Accurate Apron, Taxiway and Runway markings » Custom windsock » 3D modeled service buildings such as fire fighting, fuel station, etc » Realistic Parking » Generic Building Models in the City