Based on World war 2 action of Hellcat,Corsair and Zero aircraft. The aircraft are scenery game based with basic basic guage Virtual cocpits and gun sights.The Exterior are DX10 ready and have all the needed animations.Note-this pack is intended more as a (Game) to push the absolute limits of what the mission tool can do and not an down to the detail simuation.This pack will take you from Pearl harbor to Tokyo with various combat action.You will fly along with your squadron to the action areas. It also includes many carrier trap missions. There is also a massive 16 player out to sea dogfighting mission where you use all your skills to survive against other players.
The missions
Includes 7 major combat missions and 1 challenge carrier trap mission and 3 free style carrier trap practice missions.
WW2 flight deck Okinawa dusk - You start out on the carrier USS hornet at dusk in a Hellcat aircraft.You launch and trap on 3 wires.No rewards-you fly practice.Note if you run into the tower or hit below aft deck you crash and explode.
Submarine hunt -You are in VMF 16 squadron in a corsair aircraft.You must follow the AI corsair leader and be directed to bomb an enemy submarine.
Carrier invite -You are in VMF 16 squadron in a corsair aircraft.You must follow the AI corsair leader and be directed over to the LSO of the USS hornet.You must make 5 wire traps to recieve top tailhook certificate.If you bolter 5 times you will be disqualified.
Sink the shokaku - You are in command of a US submarine USS sharkfin. You must torpedo 3 enemy destroyers and take out an enemy carrier.
WW2 Pearl harbor -You are a patrol pilot in a Hellcat aircraft.You must shoot down 5 enemy zeros to complete.
Tarawa beach head -You launch from the USS Hornet to drop napalm ordinance in close air support at Tarawa atoll.
Doolittle raid -You launch from the USS hornet in a B-25 aircraft.You fly with the AI formation to an area of Tokyo where you will recieve your bombing target.
WW2 carrier intercept -You launch from the USS hornet in an Hellcat aircraft formation.You must take out 5 zeros and an enemy carrier to complete.
WW2 flight deck Okinawa - You start out on the carrier USS hornet at day in a Hellcat aircraft.You launch and trap on 3 wires.No rewards-you fly practice.Note if you run into the tower or hit below aft deck you crash and explode.
Airstrip attack - You are in VMF 16 squadron in a corsair aircraft. You must take out 3 enemy zeros to defend the base.
WW2 flight deck Pensacola - You start out on the carrier USS hornet at day in a Hellcat aircraft.You launch and trap on 3 wires.No rewards-you fly practice.Note if you run into the tower or hit below aft deck you crash and explode.
Multiplayer mission list
WW2 carrier MP dogfight -Includes up to 16 players.8 launch from the Hornet (Helcats)and 8 launch from the Shokaku (Zeros).Get hit once and you are shot down and out of the game.
System requirements
You (MUST) have the FSX Acceleration pack addon installed..Default FSX,service pack 1 or service pack 2 (WILL NOT) work. You also should or (Must) have an up to date PC and a good video card for best results for the combat parts of this package.If you do not have an up to date PC or video card then the action will vary..slow and so on with late audio and game results.
FSX with Acceleration Pack installed (SP2 alone will not work!)
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