The Swiss huts are a group of 156 huts managed by the SAC (Swiss Alpine Club).
We have selected 6 of the most mythical huts of the Valaisan Alps to reproduce them faithfully.
Fly in high mountains and test your landing skills on steep areas and in strong winds.
The scenario also includes three intervention and rescue zones in high altitude as well as a crash zone to practice S.A.R.
You can use POI option of MSFS to find the places.
Area modeled with PBR 4K materials (available in 2K and 1K in option)
Hand-placed vegetation, and 3D lighting
3D animated people
Dynamic lighting,
Dynamic windsocks
A full documented manual including Tips for pilots fliying in mountians
Helipad Cabanne des vignettes added
removed POI .. for better acces to helipad on worldmap
Cet add-on est encore mieux que ce que j'espérais dans mes rêves ! Quel bonheur, FX, les dix, tout y est ! Merci pour votre formidable travail Redwing vraiment je suis ravi _3