To the 1 star reviewers... I am sorry you had a bad time with this product and I think you should go back and try it again. It's called a pilots life for a reason, if you expect to be granted a job offer from a 5 star airline as a new player you're an idiot. My first gig was with a crap airline that I stuck with until I was offered a better opportunity, then took it. I've flown in some crappy places, I've had jobs rejected, its a part of the life. My review, the interface is easy to work with and a bit slow at times, that's to be expected from a cloud based program. The life this brings to MSFS is second to none. Grind out your career in the minors until you get a break with a major (about two weeks real time). The developer is actively making improvements to the program, at times, weekly. You can generate your own schedule as many times as you want before you accept it, you earn money to purchase licenses to larger planes, and get better offers and routes. One of the hidden secrets is the Discord Channel. If you have a sense of humor and aren't completely socially awkward, the Discord will keep you entertained the entire flight. Buy it.