Coming fro the FSX and Prepar3d sims with Aerosoft Airbus A319,320, and 321's I was happy to finally see the A330 meet with X-Plane. Having flown the Airbus A321 extensively I knew the procedures well even before getting this aircraft. The checklist is spot on, and is responsive to your following of the checklist. The aircraft flies very well, and although the default sound files get the job done, I recommend the upgraded Sound Addons from Blue Sky Sounds for the A330. The panels all work, except the 3rd lower console MCU, but the MCDU for programming a flight plan and settings is good, but took a few minutes to figure out as it was slightly different from the Aerosoft version I was used to using. Reading the flight manual, all 300 pages of it, helps if you want to study this aircraft. The HOT Start option is great for getting this baby up and ready to take off with little to no setup. The Fly By Wire system works as expected, but mid flight changes in the MCDU seem to throw off the computer and it messes with the flight path. This was also an issue in the Aerosoft A321 aircraft as well. If you are forced to change your arrival ILS runway mid flight, expect to have to self correct the flight until the AP can reestablish itself correctly. Using the wonderful X-Life for AI traffic and the Deluxe version of Ground Handling adds a level of realism to your flights. Just be aware that the X-Life ATC Deluxe feature likes to force multiple go arounds on approaches and it gets annoying sometimes. Otherwise this aircraft flies just as expected, and feels nice and big as the A330 should feel. The camera movement is slow, but you get the flight desk as well as the entire cabin and passenger cabin is modeled, so enjoy. Flying the Airbus A330 in X-Plane 10 is fun, but as anyone will tell you this aircraft practically can fly itself and land itself as long as you take the time to program and setup the aircraft according to procedures. If you want a challenge go get the MD-80, but if you want a realistic aircraft that does have a few small issues that are being updated regularly, and you want to spend time studying this aircraft, the A330 is a great starting study aircraft.