Very impressive scenery which runs flawlessly even with sliders maxed out (I3570k oc'ed to 4.3GHz, GT680Ti, 8GB) - really not a high end system). It can be tricky to concentrate on that offset localizer and 3.5° slope of RWY06 when there is so much eye candy to see and enjoy...... :-) I very much appreciate the fact that this scenery has a low price in almost every respect. The purchase price is more than fair, the low amount of harddrive space needed for installation is absolutely astonishing given this high level of detail. I own some high level detail sceneries such as LTBA, LGAV and they consume by far more harddisk space without looking any better. Ground markings, airport buildings and signs also look great and seem to be very accurate. I don't know many airports where taxiing is almost as much fun as take off and landing. Buy it.