Beautiful scenery with good frame rates even at full traffic levels (using UTII). For daytime flying this is a great rendition of KMEM. My only issue with this add-on is P3d dynamic lighting or, specifically, its lack of full implementation in the ramp lighting. FSDT has been clear about this and the reasoning behind it in their support forums, so there's not fault on their behalf. However, I also think it would be best if some night shots were included in the preview screens here (perhaps a few less avatar shots?). If your plan intended main use is night cargo flying you will NOT see those dozens of md-11's and 77F's bathed in dynamic ramp lights. FSDT has suggested there may be an update sometime in the future, but it's not a given. An excellent add-on, my advice is to try the demo version available (FSDT is tops in this option) in day and night flying prior to full purchase to ensure it will provide what you seek.