In all honesty: pretty expensive for a slightly pimped up standard. I would definitely have expected more.
In all honesty: pretty expensive for a slightly pimped up standard. I would definitely have expected more.
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The scenery is successful, the night textures neat. All navigation points are present. Anyone who knows FSXScenery knows that burner qualities like the "big players" are not to be expected; but I think FSXScenery takes care of the more remote places, which I think is great. And still in decent quality. However, in terms of price, I do not think they are always fully justified.
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The scenery is so well implemented; as you are used to from FSXScenery. Not now the burner, but neat. Nevertheless, I found that the AFCD data doesn't seem to be quite correct. Compared to the current charts of Navigraph, the Taxiway T is located in the scenewhere where the runway should be. This shouldn't happen with a scene less than a year old, as I think. And that is why there is some deduction in the points.
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So I can not confirm the previous criticisms; All ILS frequencies are available, including the VOR QIT. Also fit the height specifications (MESH). In parking position 14 I am exactly at 8000 ft. The place fits in well with my ORBX addons. The airport itself is OK. FSXCENERY releases very fast, of course you can not expect flightbeam qualities here.
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What a great and detailed scenery. For a long time I have been waiting for a new version of Orly and finally she is in perfection!
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