Hi everybody, I got this add-on a couple of days ago. As a flightsimmer and reviewer/news-poster myself at FsVisions.com i have seen a lot off flight simulators. I started flightsimming more than 25 years ago, and i am amazed with the quality and future possibilities of MSFS. There are already some freeware and paid add-ons released for this sim. But none of them brings so much realism as SIMSOUNDS 4.0. The sounds are amazing, and the quality of the crew voices is the best i have ever heard in a simulator. No robots anymore as a cabin crew. This is an absolutely must-have add-on! If you want MSFS coming to life. Than this is it. I normally don't write little reviews like this one, but in this case i wanted it. If you like her eis the link to my review at FsVisions.com: https://www.fsvisions.nl/simsounds-4-0-msfs-review/ I know it's in Dutch, but i gave it a 9.5 And before i forget, here you can download a 30 days fully working trial version of SIMSOUNDS 4.0 Enjoy your flights everybody and i wish you all many happy and safe landings. Greetings Matthias