A must have for any bush flyers! This airport is a great addition to the sim and at a very low price. It has 5500 feet of gravel ready for your aircraft.
A must have for any bush flyers! This airport is a great addition to the sim and at a very low price. It has 5500 feet of gravel ready for your aircraft.
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I got this for Andrews and DCA but, either way, 5 airports for this price is a steal. You get the Potomac three with this so you can do some VFR D.C. flying. The Capitol and White House are in there somewhere too, I see them flying a west departure off of 1L and 1R at Andrews. This scenery is great. If you fly GA a lot too, I recommend it.
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You really can't beat the price of this when it includes THREE airports. I fly in and out of 2 mainly (KMDW and KORD) but Still worth it. Midway is put together really nicely and O'Hare looks great too. Be aware, O'Hare has been undergoing renovations for about 700 years now so the airport is never right. I assume, once they finish construction, this scenery will get an update. Best collection yet!
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Another great airport by LatinVFR, I recommend 100%. This one is a really great addition to my collection.
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A great airport by a dev that has drastically improved over the years. This is one of the best sceneries I own, for sure. The FPS is phenomenal as well.
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