In a word, excellent! Lots of detail with no apparent FPS hit on my modest system. Very smooth scenery indeed. I hope they produce more sceneries for FSX. Best wishes Nige
In a word, excellent! Lots of detail with no apparent FPS hit on my modest system. Very smooth scenery indeed. I hope they produce more sceneries for FSX. Best wishes Nige
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Brilliant scenery with lots of detail; excellent performance in FSXA and Dx-10 even with detailed addon aircraft. Well done Taxi2gate!
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Great scenery, excellent detail and performance. My favourite destination!!
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Much better than the previous version, great fun. At this price why not!
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****IMPORTANT***** If you have acceleration you must install the update from Dan's site; it turns the airfield from a slide show into a fluid and beautiful experience! A very very good scenery once the patch is in, good detail and oh so smooth! Excellent frame rates. Best wishes Nige
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I've really enjoyed Daniel's previous freeware versions of Luqa, but this is a vast improvement. More buildings, great textures and FPS. Excellent value without a doubt. :)
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Simply wonderful. If you like old and slow in an aircraft with a lot of character you should stop reading this and go and buy it! Best wishes Nige
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Simply the best! Great framerates. Great detail. Very, very impressive.
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Quite simply the best airliner add-on there is. It's not just an airframe but a whole package, complete with config editor voice call out and many more fun things. I have been flying this beauty since it first came out and am still finding good things about it. If you buy nothing else this Christmas, buy this!
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