First few lessons great, ils one not so good, enroute nav, cannot understand your outbound radial from the mayfield vor on video and looks like 235 on the written but doesn't work after 3 trys. Will go over them again maybe but I also don't like the no pause in the lessons and you state should tune nav stations but hey are already tuned. ???? Also, no rnav approach lesson. vor/ndb kind of confusing first and second try. I will recommend these lessons with the caveat "you probably will have to do them several times to understand them even with the videos and the written. might be better if manual was written better and maybe at the end suggest some flights/airports etc to practice what one learns. I am a very rusty ifr pilot from th e60's and wanted to brush up and I think this would work for that if I did the lessons a great many times. A lot of my difficult could be me, too bad I like msfs 2020 so much. Sorry, wanted to give a better review.