I must say, after reading a few critical reviews, that we certainly CAN be critical about some of the most subjective things. For sure, some Aerosoft and/or Aerosoft promoted scenery can over-task even the processors and video cards. But, at least for me and my P3Dv4.5 software, this is not one that tasks my moderately powerful system at all. I have found the day, and especially nighttime details to be very impressive. My GSX Level-2 works great with it; no problems at all as far as I can tell. The taxi lines and nighttime/IFR inlaid lights are very helpful and easy to see. The dynamic lights seem to look really good and are not distracting at all. With my ORBX global and other scenery , this scenery looks great! I guess the bottom line is I like this airport a lot and have had absolutely no problems with it. I HIGHLY recommend this airport. If you have probs, try adjusting your settings. This one has been a pleasant surprise from Aerosoft for me.