Been waiting for a larger sized biz jet. Graphics are what you are use to seeing from them. Running on a I7 6700 @4.5/W10 on latest ver with all the usual Rex/AS/Orbx etc, the computer does break a sweat. No stutters or crashes but around cities or lots of clouds I get a glance of 30s-50s. The "lite" ver takes out the cabin,wing view and imo see no difference. Flies and handles like you would expect where you can feel the higher weight but it is very agile. Sounds are some of their best. I am a A-B pilot and do not spend time setting up detailed flight plans and approaches. Overall it feels wonky especially the AP. On numerous occasions I have had the ap blow right through a set altitude. That said I admit to speed reading the better than normal manuals. Overall a joy to fly by hand, speed control keeps you busy and the FM is realistic enough to satisfy most pilots. Again, those who want to really bury their faces in the FMS and have RW approach plates in hand will be be getting the usual Carenado basic barely enough to get realism.