This is another great little addon! To my knowledge, there is NO other MSFS scenery (Freeware or payware) that models oil wells. This addon really came in handy as I was free flying over Utah and all of a suddenly, I struck oil! LOL From a distance I was wondering what the structures were and as I got closer it was an oil field! I was amazed at how well the oil well machinery lines up with the terrain. I could clearly see the default "houses" and fences line up perfectly! Up close you can see Taburet lined up the machinery perfectly ovcer the Bing maps. If I had been flying out there without this addon, I would have had no idea I was flying over oil wells. It would have looked like ordinary ranch houses with an odd texture next to it. I didn't even know Utah HAD oil wells at the time of the flight. I would have totally flown over this area without giving it a second glance. VFR wells certainly, adds immersion and is educational as well. I had alot of fun flying the H145 from one site to the other and researching the area. I even got out of the Heli and went in for a closer look. The animations are great! The texturing on the machinery is very basic, though. I am sure this is to save FPS which it does perfectly. They had no impact for me, and I was in a giant Field of these things going on for miles. This addon highlights the extreme strength that MSFS has over all of its FS predecessors, the ability to explore and discover. Randomly stumbling on an oil field really makes this addon worth the few bucks I paid for it! Easy install and no problems. I highly recommend using this scenery during sunset/sunrises for some eye catching MSFS streaming! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!