Stunning both day and night. Best SAMSCENE offering to date. Really enhances the night flying experience. You really get your money's worth with this one.
Stunning both day and night. Best SAMSCENE offering to date. Really enhances the night flying experience. You really get your money's worth with this one.
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The MSFS Farm Animals is a nice little addition to pep up the landscape. Only negative thing I could see was that there are WAY too many animals (mainly cows) in the fields and in once instance, standing right next to the runway at Zell am See. Still, a nice add-on and very reasonably priced and the usual Taburet quality.
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Another superb scenery add-on from Island Creations. This makes the island really come alive and greatly enhances the enjoyment of flying the area. Well worth the very reasonable cost. Get it now, you won't regret it.
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Passable job. City looks great but highway systems detracts from overall effects. Roads are almost laughable. Best flown at night to hide the terrain.
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I have been "flying" sims for over 20 years...FSX, the two X-Planes and now MSFS and I have never seen a better scenery addon to any platform. The cliffs, rock formations, trees, bushes and other vegetation, the roads and villages all look like actual photos. Even if you are not a fan of Canary Island flying, this is worth purchasing just to fly over for the fun of it. Island Creations really nailed this one "spot on". Best scenery I have ever seen. GET IT.
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Nice aircraft. Nice to fly. Good job on graphics. My biggest complaint (and I confess I have not heard the engines on a real Bandierante)is that the motors sound like a lawnmower on steroids...almost an aggravating pitch after a few minutes. Also, the pitch of the engines barely respond to the throttle settings..always seem to be running at 100%. Still, a nice addition to MSFS.
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Meant to rate this as a FIVE in my original review.
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A great little airport tucked in-between the mountains of Switzerland. Good job on the airport buildings, runway textures and vegetation. Only one problem and not related to this fine job...the surrounding scenery is again ruined by those idiotic, stupid willy-nilly roads running all through it. A good airport scenery well worth its very reasonable price.
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Absolutely stunning city landscape. Hard to believe that SMJ is just a start-up company. Looking forward to their Shanghai airports release. Well worth every penny. First class.
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