Lovely terminal area is a very nice upgrade over the other offering available for KBNA. However, there is a glaring typo in the terminal interior that any Nashville native will spot immediate: the name of the restaurant is Acme Feed * Seed (NOT "Speed"). The ground textures around the central apron need work, as do the connector roads into and out of the main terminal. As noted by others, it would be nice if the terrain around the taxiways leading to/from Runway 02R/20L were properly sculpted to show the overpasses. If those issues are corrected or at least worked on and improved, I'd bump my review up to 5 stars. ALSO: this airport desperately needs a talented person to build a proper GSX profile. As it is, thinks are rather wonky in that regard. It would have been nice of the developer had followed common modern practice and included a profile somewhere in the installation.