Pretty poor rendition of the Ercoupe. The external model itself is *ok*.. proportions are a little off but nothing egregious. The interior panel is basically fantasy. Doesn't look anything like any Ercoupe panel I've ever seen. Clipping issues in v1 with the cockpit glass were "fixed" by the developer simply by not letting you open the canopy. This is the model of the Ercoupe with rudder pedals.. so the most interesting and unique thing about this aircraft isn't even modelled. Oil pressure and temperature systems are basically non-functional. Sounds aren't accurate. Performance is basically right out of fantasy land. I tried referencing the actual Ercoupe POH and the numbers are so far off I felt like I was flying a different plane. This one also floats like a glider on landing, whereas the real Ercoupe drops like a rock under 60 MPH with the throttle idle (very high drag aeroframe). Overall this is just not a good addon. Credit where it's due, the textures overall are very well done and the liveries look nice.