Sold as being compatible with P3D v5, but original download file provided after purchase was only P3D v4 compatible (telltale sign is default buildings and other objects were showing through in the installed scenery). Support contact details provided by Simmarket included a Facebook page and a Russian forum.....Not for me. When developer was eventually involved by Simmarket, his tone was agressive and, you will guess, he blamed the "stupid" customer (me) for not being able to install the scenery correctly, for my system having bugs, he sold hundreds of copies with no issues, etc...etc...Typical reply. To his credit, he did provide a file in the end (which I did not use because of his aggressive tone, etc...you never know!). I fixed the scenery myself and that was it. No customer service whatsoever! The "customer is king", let's never forget about that. Never again! Buyer beware...