I’d be lying if I said this was a great and well refined aircraft. But I also couldn’t say it’s terrible either. The textures overall are pretty low resolution and really look like FSX type. It’s a large aircraft so I guess I can forgive that since it doesn’t look awful at all. Just kind of middle of the road. The things that really stand out as being bad are the sounds. In some cases the audio is atrocious. Like in start up. The energizer clip repeats at least twice and makes start up sound pretty stupid. The engines don’t really even sound like turbo props and there’s a constant sounds I can only describe as resembling a lazy and low raspberry being blown at all times. I mean it really sounds bad. The gear and flaps are definitely from FSX days as I’ve heard them a million times before. Generally the plane seems to fly like a big heavy bird, but I cannot detect any difference in performance with full or empty water tanks. Overall it’s a poorly refined product not at all worth its asking price. However if you, like me, really like the Canadiar water bombers or need one to fight virtual fires then this is probably going to have to do. I really hope Roland Laborie will have a sudden urge to update this a bit to the level it deserves. As is it’s just not something to be proud of.