The scenery is supposed to come with SODE files and a GSX file but the files are nowhere to be found. I emailed the author but never got a response. So now this scenery has no jetways.
The scenery is supposed to come with SODE files and a GSX file but the files are nowhere to be found. I emailed the author but never got a response. So now this scenery has no jetways.
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The scenery itself looks good, but it does not fully work in P3D v5+. I have it in P3D v5.4 and there is a default building sitting on the main apron. I emailed Wingsim but have not heard back from them. So I deleted the scenery for now.
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Very nice scenery. I wish I can delete the static aircraft though. I don't like them too much, plus I have lots of my own AI.
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Nice overall, but very bad performance! I have a pretty high-end computer and I still have VRAM issues at this airport.
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