The RJ is a fantastic plane to fly! Looks and sounds are great! The Avro RJ is an avionics update to the BAe 146 so the two share quite a bit but there’s also some differences such as the improved four LF 507 engines and slight increase in takeoff thrust. There’s more glass in the cockpit, FADEC controlled engines, auto thrust, auto pressurization controls, VNAV/ILS guidance and the GNLU-910A FMS which with these, the cockpit will remind you of the classic 737. All-n-all there will be no regrets flying her, as she's very nimble. The flight model has been replicated based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from real-world RJ pilots and engineers. If you're looking for study level but less workload than the BAE 146 and inline with the 737 classic, look no further!