CLS - AIRBUS A330-200/300 AND A340-200/300 FS2004 FSX
Oh geez where to begin... This seems to just be another POSKY aircraft except a payware version. The flaps when they're extended just lag after lag after lag. To fix this i had to readjust the flaps extending time in the cgf. file to make the flaps extend out smoother. The landing gears are the same way. The just plain silly part is that CLS tries to add realism by including the jet engine heat blast effect. They simply added in a transparent revolving film around the back of the engines to look like heat mirages but in all honest it looks like a barber shop sign they way it just turns round' like a coil. The VC cocpit isnt any better than the default FSX A321 and its quite blurry even with maxed out settings. THe major plus however are the high quality textured liveries. CLS had a LONG way to go to match up to other designers though. A bit too pricey. Other Reviews by me: CLS A330/A340 X Just Flights World Airports X Aerosoft Ayers Rock X REX4 + Overdrive X Flytampa Maarten X Flytampa Hong Kong X