Ancona Falconara Airport (Italian: Aeroporto di Ancona-Falconara), (IATA: AOI, ICAO: LIPY)
is an airport serving Ancona,and the Marche region of central Italy. The airport is located approximately 12 km (6 NM) west of Ancona, in Falconara Marittima. It was also known as Raffaello Sanzio Airport, named after Raffaello Sanzio (1483–1520), the Italian painter and architect.
Custom airport building
Custom platform and custom vehicles.
Custom lighting runway.
3D light mast lighting and lights on taxiing.
Glass effect windows of buildings and airport vehicles
Large size landclass
Colors landclass made for the color gamut FTX ORBX GLOBAL World textures together FTX openLC Europe
Optional : Dynamic reflection glasses the main terminal
Dynamic lighting
Road traffic.
Change of season - automatic
correct work of the scenery with the "TABURET-ITALY 19M MESH"
Version P3Dv5
Предложения по апгрейду
Если вы ранее приобретали RFSCENERYBUILDING - LIPY ANCONA FALCONARA FSX P3D simMarket предоставляет право на апгрейд по специальной цене в EUR 5.00. ВНИМАНИЕ: предложение действует только в случае приобретения с той же самой учетной записи! ВОЗВРАТ НЕ ПРОИЗВОДИТСЯ!