Reload model of the runway lights.
Added green yellow lights.
Change the format AFCAD
Improved the effects of glass buildings.
Adaptation scenery for P3Dv3.2 : Correction lights the runway,taxiway.
V1.1 and P3Dv3 files have to be installed manually
Custom airport building
Custom platform and custom vehicles.
Custom lighting runway.
3D light mast lighting and lights on taxiing.
Glass effect windows of buildings
3D grass
Animation birds and radar installations.
Adapted for traffic Afcad.
Seasons change
Road traffic.
Roads in the scenery made by satellite imagery.
Custom landclass surrounding area made by satellite imagery.
Custom landclass only established world textures FTX ORBX GLOBAL
DX10 is ready to set DX10SceneryFixer
FSX, P3D V1 and V2 compatible
I finally figured out how to fix this this on my own no thanks to the dev who ignored my email. So minus 1 star still for the nonexistent customer service, and static jetways no SODE. BUT! It’s still better than FSDT and it never reverts at random to a trial mode like FSDT does.
Lovely airport.
I bought this to replace my extremely buggy FSDT version of the same airport. While this one does actually work and looks really good, for some reason I have no jetways at all? Just the stubs of where a jetway should be. Weird. It’s definitely not from my end, and I have a LOT of add ons and experience with them so I have made sure. My SODE is fully up to date working with all others. Just a weird bug I think? Anyway despite the jetway issues it’s a really nice airport. Unlike the FSDT version which kept reverting to Trial Mode and requiring reinstallation every time I wanted to use it, I’d still highly recommend this one if you have a choice. Nice lighting and winter effects too. Almost a 4 star add on if the developer would’ve answered my questions about the missing jetways issue.
This my fourth RFScenery Buildings airport and just like the others I currently have it is superb.
The airport and surrounding areas blend in well with ORBX EuropeLC which makes the experience even more immersive.
I thoroughly recommend their products but as yet I am undecided which one I shall get next.
Well deserved being awarded five stars.
Bought this for FSX a while ago. Attention to detail is very high. Ground textures look great, as well as airport buildings. Having the GA side of the airport is also fun. Good FPS. Hopefully they come out with P3DV4 installers for it.
Only downside was that the autogen for the city doesn't have any photoreal to sit on top of so the hotels and such are sitting on top of the default scenery base so they look out of place.
Defo Agree this scenery is amazing and a must have i have got a few airport scenerys of RFSENERYBUILDS airports i love them all well done to the RFSENERYBUILD TEAM on yet another fantastic addon :) defo 5 star from me i would give them ten stars if i could ;)
The RFSB sceneries are great, fairly priced, always detailed with some surrounding details covered and great frames. No moving jetways but that's not a huge deal. RFSB is my preferred LSGG scenery. I have LICC and LIPX and will be adding more to my collection. I'm hoping they'll do Basel!!!
Eine wirklich sehr empfehlenswerte Szenerie! Ich habe vor diesem Airport noch nichts von den Jungs aus Russland gehört und stand vor der Entscheidung, die ältere Szenerie von FSDT oder diesen hier. Meine Entscheidung fiel schliesslich aufgrund der Berichte und Screenshots.
Nach mehreren Überflügen mit einem kleinen Helikopter kann ich nur sagen: Top Szenerie! Es passt aus meinen Augen wirklich alles.
Wer sich also auch eine Genf-Szenerie zulegen möchte und vor der Entscheidung steht, FSDT oder dieser hier: Meine Empfehlung geht ganz klar zu diesem Airport!
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