This is a package of 18 bridges replacing default bridges on Long Island, NY. The bridges are on the Atlantic side of Long Island and are clearly visible on approaches into JFK from the east. All bridges are modeled in the correct architectural style and dimensions with appropriate night lighting. Marinas are also improved and the Robert Moses Water Tower is modeled.
Bridges over large waterways, rivers or other bodies of water stand out. MSFS scenery is a vast improvement over previous flight sims. However, the bridges because they stand out, are very noticeable and are an eyesore. Rkbridger packages solve that issue with bridge packages which show the bridges in their true magnificence and also improves the entire landscape along the stretch of water modeled.
This Long Island package complements the New York City bridges package. A photo shows the area modeled.
POIs have been placed at the bridges which are listed below with the number of bridges at those locations. Typically when there are more than one bridge at a location the bridges were built at different times with different styles or sizes.
Bridges modeled are listed below:
Atlantic Beach Bridge
Long Beach Rail Bridge
Long Beach Bridge (2)
Reynolds Channel Bridge
Long Creek Bridge
Swift Creek Bridge
Fundy Channel Bridge
Jones Bay Bridge
Sloop Channel Bridge
Goose Creek Bridge
Great South Bay Bridges (2) aka Robert Moses Causeway.
That is very kind of you. I know there are a lot of bridges in the world but hoping someday for Ohio River Bridges from Louisville to the Ohio Mississippi confluence. I grew up on the Ohio River in Western KY. The Cincinnati to Louisville Bridges, Pittsburg, Boston, New York, St, Louis and Florida are all fantastic. I have so many I am probably forgetting a few. Thanks RK. Highly Recommended.
Thank-You very kindly for this. I am an avid supporter of your work, and own the majority of your bridge packs. I would call these essential products!!! Thanks again, and keep up the great work!!!
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