Fly the beautiful Rhine River through Switerland. This package of handcrafted models replaces default bridges and waterworks along the Swiss section of the Rhine River. It starts in Basel where the Rhine enters Switzerland and ends where the Rhine begins at the confluence of the Hinterrhein and the Vorderrhein. See photo of area covered. The package is compatible with both MSFS2020 and MSFS2024.
All the bridges are accurately modeled in the correct architectural style, with appropriate night lighting and traffic flows on the bridges. The dams across the river are gone and, if there is room, you can now fly under the bridges.
Photogrammetry must be ON to ensure bridges integrate correctly with the sim.
Demonstration Photos have been taken in both 2020 and 2024.
All models have POIs and are listed below:
Schwarzwald Rail
Alte Rheinfelder
Bad Sackingen Holz
Rhein Aare; 2 bridges at the confluence of the Aare and Rhine Rivers
I purchased this along with the Danube Bridge package by RKBridger. This one has even more bridges! What a delightful flight from Basle-Mulhouse to Munster following the Rhine low and fast with the BD5 jet. If you also have powerlines and the ski lift add ons you will find yourself in a very immersive and challenging river race avoiding the powerlines, flying under tall bridges and watching the Alps build up along the flight. Thanks for making MSFS so much better.
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