€ 10.00


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  • Version
    FStarter24 v1.1
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  • Description

    FStarter24 is a multi tool app for MSFS and lets you:

    1. Start flights and explore any world location in MSFS:

    o Easily start flights and explore the stunning world in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

    o Start flight in MSFS from any selected location on the FStarter24 map.

    2. Create user POIs (Point of Interests):

    o Select any location on the map or use the active flight location and create it as a user POI.

    o Save your favorite locations, whether it’s your house, school, cabin, or an airport runway.

    3. Flight Situations: o Start flights in the air or on the ground at any altitude, heading and speed.

    o Define specific situations, such as an airport traffic pattern (Final, Downwind, Base, Entry), complete with altitude, distance, and speed settings.

    o Create any type of flight situation.

    4. Interactive Maps and Lists:

    o View and manage your own user POIs, MSFS 3D cities, MSFS POIs, and MSFS flights.

    o Observe your airplane’s movement on the map.

    5. Flexible Start Locations and flight data:

    o Start flights at or near the location of 3Dcities, cities, MSFS POIs, or your user POIs.

    o Set any altitude, heading, speed, and time for the flight.

    6. Custom Approaches and Landings:

    o Create custom approaches, landings, or traffic patterns at any airport.

    o Train and repeat your flights until you can land in any type of situation.

    7. Data Management:

    o Save and start flights using complete MSFS situations and stored data.

    8. User POI Lists: o Utilize up to 4 user POI lists, allowing you to add thousands of user POIs.

    9. Live Aircraft Marker:

    o View your airplane’s movement with a dynamic marker on the map.

    10. Time and Sim Rate: o Set time of day and/or Sim Rate

    Offre de Mise à jour
    • Si vous avez déjà acheté RKSOFTWARE - FSTARTER MSFS au simMarket, vous avez droit à un prix spécial mise à jour de EUR 5.00. REMARQUE: Pour bénéficier automatiquement de la mise à jour à prix réduit vers la version nouveau, vous devez vous être identifié avec le compte utilisé lors de l'achat de la version précédente. En cas de doute contactez le support simMarket premier! Aucune exception, aucun remboursement!


    FStarter24 is for MSFS


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    非常好用。 不过我有一个问题:我购买的产品最多可以安装在几台电脑上使用?谢谢(我有2台电脑安装了MSFS,可以2台电脑上同时使用吗?)。

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