Located in the scenic Pauma Valley of northern San Diego County, the airstrips of the Puama Valley offer a unique and localized look into the world of Californian Aviation. Surrounded by orange groves and vineyards, they present a glimpse of the quaintness that is General Aviation.
In this package are two airstrips:
Pauma Valley Airpark - A small private facility, operated by the neighboring golf course community, offering the convenience of an airport and hangers to its members.
Lyall-Roberts Airport - A tiny stretch of faded asphalt deemed suitable for aircraft and privately used by its farming owners.
While both these airstrips are private airports, they differ greatly in their existence. Pauma Valley is, in most regards, your local General Aviation facility, with hangers for a dozen or so aircraft, a club house of sorts and some ramp area for transient aircraft. Lyall-Roberts on the other hand, is a working strip; its purpose is to support the business of its owner, whether that be by providing the convenience of air transportation to “the city” (San Diego is about 15 minutes away by plane) or to provide a localized base to operate agricultural aircraft (“Crop Dusters”) . Both however are very short and narrow runways presenting the pilot with an exciting chance to practice some very short field procedures.
Features thru out:
High Definition photo-real base maps on both airports
Photo-Scenery for surrounding region with full day and night textures
Autogen oven entire region
High Definition custom pavement textures blended seamlessly into environment
Photo-real textures on all objects
Day and night textures for proper texture blending
Tried and true development techniques offering minimal to no performance impact
Pauma Valley Airpark Features:
Photoreal representation of all real-world buildings and structures
Accurate representation of all ground markings
Functioning "Wind-T's" at both ends of runway
Many "eye candy" details
Lyall-Roberts Airport Features:
Two full groves of photo-real orange trees (100's of trees)
Photoreal structures
Seasonal details (during picking season)
Accurately placed and detailed power lines for extra challenge on landing
User initiated sprinkler system (got to water those trees)
Das ist einer der schönsten Addons die ich jetzt in meiner Addon sammlung haben die designer haben sich da sehr mühe gegeben ! Hoffentlich kommen noch mehr solche perlen ! Bravo !
This is simply a stunning airport Package. Nicely modeled and it works well with Mega Scenery's Sothern California package as long as it is above Mega Scenery you will not have any issues. Great Interaction with the developer and that alone is Gold. This a must have package for any FS9 Sim Pilot.
A nice little addon in a nice area to fly (particularly if combined with Megascenery Southern California) with some good eye-candy and other effects and also some realistic looking orange groves on which to practice your crop spraying, if you enjoy that sort of thing! A little expensive however for what you get!