Pisa International Airport (Aeroporto Internazionale di Pisa) (IATA: PSA, ICAO: LIRP), also named Galileo Galilei Airport is an airport located in Pisa, Italy. It is the main airport in Tuscany and the 10th in Italy in terms of passengers. It is named after Galileo Galilei, the famous scientist and native of Pisa. The airport was first developed for the military in the 1930s and 1940s. The airport was used by 5,233,118 passengers in 2017.
Enjoy with Pisa International Airport!
- Depart from Pisa and make a VFR flight over the the city and Pisa Tower or the beautiful Tuscany.
- Take a IFR regular flight to north and east europe or a charter flight to the Greek Islands or North Africa.
- Start a military operation from the military apron
handcrafted buildings and facilities
Every object made using 100% PBR, with textures in 2k and 4k
Parking stands, runway and taxiways layout updated at the latest AIP charts
Very precise terrain markings according to the latest charts
Sloped runways, with accurate altitude profiles.
This product features our simInstaller technology and is available after purchase via our APP only.
(my home airport) ! outstanding work, the detail is everywhere, from the train shuttle to the central station, to the static military aircrafts, to the parking areas, to the entrance, ... everywhere
it is really a joy to live Pisa with the beautiful fan modded city, plus the vehicle traffic mod, and finally the AIG or FSLTL airport traffic utilities as well
although the price is close to the bigger products, it is totally well deserved
thanks (and keep updating, in case :)
Lavoro in questo aerporto da quasi 40 anni e devo apprezzare lo sviluppatore perchè il lavoro corrisponde praticamente in maniera perfetta alla realtà. Sono veramente sorpreso che ci sono sviluppatori italiani che niente hanno a che invidiare a software house rinomate. I miei complimenti Salvuz.