€ 19.99


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The flight simulation add-ons you are purchasing are legally protected and copyrighted on an international level. This ensures that the creators' rights are upheld and their innovative work is safeguarded.

Why Piracy Hurts Everyone

Piracy undermines the dedication and creativity of developers. When you download or distribute pirated add-ons, it impacts the creators' ability to continue producing high-quality content. This affects the entire community by reducing the availability of new features and updates.

Consequences of Piracy

  • Legal Risks: Engaging in piracy can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines and prosecution.
  • Security Threats: Pirated software often carries malware, risking your personal data and system security.
  • Lack of Support: Unauthorized copies do not receive official support or updates, leading to potential issues and vulnerabilities.

How You Can Help

  1. Purchase Legitimately: Always buy add-ons from authorized sellers like SimMarket to ensure you receive authentic products.
  2. Report Piracy: If you encounter pirated add-ons, report them to the authorities or the original creators.
  3. Educate Others: Spread awareness about the negative impacts of piracy and encourage others to support developers by purchasing legitimate copies.

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We are happy to introduce you our new product SAAB 91 Safir X. It is a fully recreated add-on for FSX including new FSX features and giving you a better flying experience.

This package offers four versions of the Safir: B, C, and two D modifications. Each rendition faithfully reproduces all the particular, real-life, SAAB 91 Safir features in a meticulous way. We want you to enjoy the exquisite rendition of the external models, the super-detailed 3D-panels, the fully-animated dynamic VC, the authentic sounds, and so much more!

For more detailed information about Safir history, specifications, settings and flying tips we recommend you to download and read SAAB 91 Safir X User Guide.

Safir X features:

  • Four different and absolutely identical to real aircrafts models fully recreated for FSX
  • Highly detailed and fully animated exterior and interior models including such FSX features as bump, reflection and specular mapping, dynamic self shadows, advanced animation
  • Ultra smooth gauges based on 3D parts animation
  • Sounds (engine and VC custom sounds) recorded from the real Safir aircrafts
  • Realistic flight dynamics tested by real Safir pilots
  • 100% realistic night light panel with a 4 step highlight adjustment
  • Additional camera views in the VC

Safir (FS2004) Features:

  • Four different and absolutely identical to real aircrafts models (including cockpits, engines and pilots), created with the help of their owners
  • Ultra smooth gauges: max gauge refresh rate is dependent ONLY on your PC power, no 18 times per sec refresh rate limit
  • Highly detailed 3d model: interior models around 34 000 faces, exterior models around 50 000 faces
  • Sounds recorded from the real Safir aircrafts
  • Realistic flight dynamics tested by real Safir pilots
  • FPS friendly: laptop (P-M 1.5 GHz, 512 Mb RAM, GeForce FX 5500) - 25-50 FPS in VC; desktop (P-4 3GHz, 1 Gb RAM, Radion X800) - 60-80 FPS in VC
  • 100% realistic night light panel with highlight adjustment
  • Completely functional VC and fully animated moving parts: everything that should move - MOVES!

System Requirements for FS2004 version:

  • Windows XP
  • 512 MB Ram
  • Processor: 1.5 GHz
  • Available hard drive space: 200 MB
  • Video card: 64 MB/3D with DirectX 8.0 or later drivers
  • Other: mouse, joystick, sound card, speakers/headphones
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
  • Internet connection (needed for product activation)

System Requirements for FSX version:

  • Windows XP SP3/Vista
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X SP2/Acceleration
  • 2048 MB Ram
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Available hard drive space: 400 MB
  • Video card: 256 MB DirectX 9 compatible
  • Other: mouse, joystick, sound card, speakers/headphones
  • Internet connection (required for product activation)

Buying this product indicates your tacit acceptance of the License terms.

We know that license agreements are rarely read, so we list the most important points for you here:

  • You MUST have an Internet connection to download and request activation code for SAAB 91 Safir X, but note, that installation CAN be done on a PC without Internet connection
  • You have the right to install SAAB 91 Safir X ONLY on one PC, FS2004 version can be installed only on the same system
  • You are not entitled to copy, distribute, resell, sublicense or rent the SAAB 91 Safir X add-on
  • Before buying SAAB 91 Safir X add-on make sure that all the system requirements are fulfilled



System Requirements for FS2004 version:

  • Windows XP
  • 512 MB Ram
  • Processor: 1.5 GHz
  • Available hard drive space: 200 MB
  • Video card: 64 MB/3D with DirectX 8.0 or later drivers
  • Other: mouse, joystick, sound card, speakers/headphones
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
  • Internet connection (needed for product activation)

System Requirements for FSX version:

  • Windows XP SP3/Vista
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X SP2/Acceleration
  • 2048 MB Ram
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Available hard drive space: 400 MB
  • Video card: 256 MB DirectX 9 compatible
  • Other: mouse, joystick, sound card, speakers/headphones
  • Internet connection (required for product activation)


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Super! Habe diesen Flieger jetzt einige Zeit getestet, und habe festgestellt, das dieses Flugzeug gut programmiert wurde. Ich habe noch einen Autopiloten eingebaut, damit ich so richtig schön entspannen kann, was bei diesem Flugzeug super geht. Allerdings mit den Repaints ist das so eine Sache, einfach so eine Bemahlung zu machen, ist hier nicht ganz so einfach, da kann es passieren, das die Mühle plötzlich schwarz ist. Jepp, aber wenn man etwas pfiffig ist, lernt man sogar noch was dabei und bekommt es hin. Man kann in der Config auch noch den Turbo einschalten, dann kommt richtig Freude auf. Und das Wichtigste! Absolut FPS-freundlich, das nenne ich gelungen, keine Spielereien so wie bei vielen Entwicklern die unendlich Knöpfe und Schieber programmieren die auf die Framerate gehen. Ich Sch.... auf Systemtiefe!


Auch diese Saab einfach ein Sahnestück. Sie fühlt sich sehr realistisch zum fliegen an, sieht Top aus und der Sound ist auch von der echten. Das Cockpit bzw. Interior super. Auf der Webseite von Sibwings gibt es auch noch mehr Paints zu diesem Flieger. Alles Produkte dieses Herstellers sind ausgezeichnet und von hoher Qualität, die fühlen sich richtig realistisch an, ob das die Flugeigenschaften oder der Sound ist oder auch die Ausstattung ist, egal was. Da stimmt einfach alles deshalb klare Kaufempfehlung. LG SOB

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Anti-Piracy Warning

Protecting Your Purchase

The flight simulation add-ons you are purchasing are legally protected and copyrighted on an international level. This ensures that the creators' rights are upheld and their innovative work is safeguarded.

Why Piracy Hurts Everyone

Piracy undermines the dedication and creativity of developers. When you download or distribute pirated add-ons, it impacts the creators' ability to continue producing high-quality content. This affects the entire community by reducing the availability of new features and updates.

Consequences of Piracy

  • Legal Risks: Engaging in piracy can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines and prosecution.
  • Security Threats: Pirated software often carries malware, risking your personal data and system security.
  • Lack of Support: Unauthorized copies do not receive official support or updates, leading to potential issues and vulnerabilities.

How You Can Help

  1. Purchase Legitimately: Always buy add-ons from authorized sellers like SimMarket to ensure you receive authentic products.
  2. Report Piracy: If you encounter pirated add-ons, report them to the authorities or the original creators.
  3. Educate Others: Spread awareness about the negative impacts of piracy and encourage others to support developers by purchasing legitimate copies.

Thank you for supporting the flight simulation community and contributing to a fair and innovative marketplace.

€ 19.99

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