Highly detailed remodeled and textured buildings and facilities.
Highly detailed Buildingsm, Ground and Runway HD textures.
Accurate Taxi way signs.
More ground map, details and custom mesh
Amazingly Frame Rate Friendly
Realistic Gates positions.
Custom windsock, all lights around the arport .
Compatible with GSX.
Intel i3 3.07 GHz 4 MB cache
1 GB video card or more
Internet Connection
Required Disk space (212 MB)
This scenery product is for FSX, FSX SE, P3Dv2 and P3D v3
Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851)
I was truly amazed by the quality of Marsa Aalam airport scenery produced by SDG.....As I personally visited the airport, it looked and felt so real for such a remote airport, the mesh terrain has improved, textures,details, airport buildings,surrounding area, car-parking, airport vehicles you name it and to be honest with less than 10 Euros it's a bargaining for sure......I am expecting more products from SDG as they are improving with each product significantly.