Highly detailed model, fully animated, both front and rear cockpit
Highly detailed 3D cockpit, fully animated and working
Complete 3D-lights systems both internal and external
multinational liveries
A complete paintkit will soon be available for painters (upon request)
Almost all real systems have been modelled and working as the real thing
Flight dynamics modelled 99% close to the real aircraft;
fully tested and validated by qualified real-world F-104 pilot
Fully functional and close to real NASARR R-15, A/G and A/A mode with:
- STT (Single track target)
Aerodynamic pitch up, inertia coupling and BLC system reproduced
Payload drop actually changes aircraft weight, balance and drag as well
Inertial navigator Litton LN-3 fully implemented
The SSW F/RF-104G uses the Dynamic Drag Index concept; i.e. when you load/drop external loads not only is the GW changed but also the drag coefficient is affected and the model aerodynamics change accordingly. This is particularly important in the F-104 where external loads affect greatly the dynamic behaviour of the model.
A custom sound set has been developed from scratch, using live recording to give you a full immersion into the Zipper environment. If you are a Zipper fan,you will enjoy staying outside and 'playing' with the throttle, listening to it's unique voice.
The model comes with complete docs including:
Three pilot checklists (normal, emergency,weapon procedures)
Zipper hints (a doc that help the pilot to use it effectively)
NASAR R15A simple user guide
Original 700-page Flight Manual in PDF format
User support help desk at
OS Windows 10 or later (suggested version 21H or later)
Microsoft Simulator 2020 version or later
CPU Intel5 at 3ghz
4 GB available on Community folder
VGA card nvidia 1060 or nvidia-like
CPU Intel 7 ad 4Ghz or higher
4 GB available on Community folder
VGA card nvidia 3080 or nvidia-like
simply perfect in every way, even the engine, it's a shame you can't hear the noise from the outside of the engine in multiplayer but otherwise it's one of the best models on the market, the supersonic acceleration is practically the same as the real thing with the same parameters
Nulla da eccepire sulla bellezza (sembra vero) il pilotaggio del modello di volo difficile come nella realtà, ma c'è un grosso problema di autonomia di carburante. Senza postbruciatore, sia a bassa quota che ad alta quota, c'è un consumo spropositato ed irrealistico. Non riesci a fare neanche un Rimini-Grosseto e ritorno. Massimo 3 Touch and go e finisce il carburante. Lo stesso con tip e Pylon, al massimo ti estende l'autonomia di qualche minuto. Ci vuole una revisione totale del consumo in base alla manetta. Mi dispiace molto perchè per il resto è perfetto. Ma impossibile riuscire a fare più di 10/15 minuti di volo senza usare il postbruciatore. Stesso problema anche con l' F104 monoposto che ho acquistato. UN vero peccato.
Très belle réalisation de l'aéronef de sim shunk works .
je regrette que la nouvelle version monoplace soit proposée plein tarif pour les acquéreurs de la version biplace.
Pas très commerciale cette politique de vente.
I am SO disappointed. I have been waiting to get a new fighter for a couple of months now. I had 3 different aircraft in mind, but the 104 was my first choice. So I finally bought it, installed, and planned one of my favorite flights.
Roll out to the runway for take off; the cockpit looks amazing! External views are just what I'd expect; photo perfect. Back to cockpit view... yes! time to fly!!! FULL Powwwwerrrr???? nothing... ok external view?? FULlll.... nothing.
As of 20 Feb What I've found is that I need to remap a bunch of stuff on my controller just to get the throttle slider to work as a WORK AROUND?? ---For software that costs over $30???
Two stars for the model and that's it. Hard to evaluate anything else on the ground.
I expected so much more from SSW. If I could get a refund, I would.
fast realistisch, doch setzt plötzlich beim Neustart der Gashebel aus, anscheinend ein bug, die anderen Funktionen über HOTAS Throttle gehen. Ansonsten ein gutes Gefühl fast wie vor 45 Jahren. Vielleicht mal ein update draufmachen!
This aircraft would be very nice but unfortunatley several issues occuring:
- Strange behavior regarding the thrustlevers with the most of controllers (programming mistake)
- The whole Engine-startup procedure with the additional app does not work properly
- The SSW-support does not exists (no answers, no tickethandling, no help)
Sim Skunk Works has again released another beautiful flight model; however, it still falls short of the standard set by mainstream developers for MSFS 2020. Their use of external software for many features to their aircraft instead of a in plane tablet is somewhat juvenile.
although they have improved texturing slightly compared to their g91 it's still not up to the standards of justflight asobo or aerosoft. What I don't understand is how the specifications tab in the aircraft selection menu for the aircraft is blank. Considering the vast amount of history and information available to them concerning the F-104. It seems they are content with releasing incomplete aircraft. Their g91 still has wheels that penetrate the ground. So, it doesn't look like they care about updating and fixing issues with their aircraft. I'm impressed with the implementation of in sim radar but the overwhelming number of minor issues and inconstancy in quality is starting to leave a bad taste. Once there are more suitable alternatives, I don't think I will continue to purchase their aircraft.
The textures are quite beautiful. The sounds are spot-on and the handling is very accurate and the flight model is challenging to fly. Now the gripes:
The pilots move in sync and this looks quite strange. They also seem to be a bit below scale.
The main wheels will not rotate unless the nosewheel is in contact with the ground.
The "8-ball" attitude indicator seems to be non-functional.
At full flaps the plane can fly as slow as 100 knots which is very unrealistic. for this reason, I only use the first notch of flaps which makes for a more realistic 180-190 knot approach speed.
I really hope SimSkunk continues development of the product and can provide upgrades a remedies for these drawbacks. In spite of these shortfalls the plane is a joy to look at and fly and is worth the purchase cost.
Hello, wonderfull work, amazing.
Just one question, how do I change from the Italian livery to the Belgian one?
sincerly yours, Roger
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