You will receive a 10 digit voucher code which will allow you to download the G1000 simulator software. Go to, then enter your voucher code and registration details. You will then be given a software licence and be able to download the software.
The Simgeneering MFD module provides the functionality of the G1000 MFD, formatted to fit the screen of the Logitech flight instrument panel. Some functions and displays have been modified to fit the smaller flight instrument panel screen.
The G1000 MFD functions currently included are:
Navigation map page with zoom, measure distance/bearing, cursor pan, cursor select navigation feature, fuel range ring, navigation ring, track vector, and wind vector
Traffic display on navigation map page and traffic map page
Terrain data display on navigation map page and terrain map page
Waypoint information pages (Airport, Intersection, NDB, VOR, User Waypoint)
Functions to create and store user waypoints
Flight plan pages: create, edit, and store flight plans, load and follow flight plans using the flight simulator’s autopilot, vertical navigation, parallel track, invert flight plan, direct-to navigation
Procedure pages: view departure, arrival and approach procedures and load in flight plan
Nearest pages (Airports, Intersections, NDBs, VORs, User Waypoints, Frequencies, Airspaces)
Autopilot with roll, pitch, altitude hold, vertical speed, flight level change, navigation (GPS, localizer, VOR), and approach (glide slope) modes.
NAV and COM radio tuning
More functions will be included in future updates.
Navigation data is included for the contiguous United States, and Europe (navaids, airports, waypoints, frequencies, airways, instrument procedures). The topo maps are available for the entire world.
The G1000 Simulator requires a PC running Windows, with one or more connected Logitech Flight Instrument Panels. The G1000 Simulator 64-bit (1.9.1) software is compatible with:
• MSFS 2020
• Prepar3D
• Logitech flight instrument panel driver
• SPAD.Next v0.9.12.65
• Windows 10 or 11
• Java JRE 1.8.0_291 or later and Java 19 or later
• 10GB of hard disk space
To run the simulator software, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required. It is recommended to use JRE 19 or higher.