State of the art replica of the aircraft.
This package covers the entirely DC-9 family, Five different models: DC-9: 10, 21, 30, 41 and 51.
Includes Freighters Versions.
NEw Fuselage.
NEw External Lighting.
NEW TAIL Section.
NEW Landing Lights.
NEW High Definition Textures.
Bump and Specular maps.
Dynamic Shine.
Perfectly simulated loss of hydraulic pressure. (Elevators, spoilers, landing gear and flaps will be lost without hydraulic pressure).
Main Door, service door, cargo door, forward stairs, ventral stairs (except 10 version) and cockpit windows, accurately modeled and animated.
Horizontal stabilizer movement based on real aircraft system logic and real data.
3 position landing lights. (retracted, extended off and extended on).
Aileron and Elevator actuated by aerodynamic movement of the control tab.
Every detail of the aircraft is accurately modeled without affecting the frame rates.
3D modeled and/or animated FAN BLADES, PITOTs, Static probe, Static ports.
Moving wipers (2 Speeds).
Accurately modeled and Animated thrust reversers.
Ground Support.
GPU and Air Starter unit (detailed model) interacts with the aircraft systems.
Animated Ground crew.
Catering Truck, Belt Loader, Baggage Train.
Engines, LG Doors, Wx Radar
Flight Dynamics tested by real airline pilots.
The flight dynamics are based also in the sensation in many hours on the real flight simulator.
The wing airfoil profile is based in the Douglas wing airfoil DSMA-357/433 -A.
Totally reliable on flight manuals.
Perfectly simulated weight and Balance in accordance with the weight and Balance Manual.
Super Hi-Definition Photoreal 32Bit Textures.
New enhanced Details.
3D Instruments.
Cockpit Flood Lighting.
Virtual cockpit fully functional and animated.
Nearly every knob and switch is operational.
Two different layouts available in accordance with the type of the aircraft.
Two Colors available: The Original Aqua-Blue and Grey.
Fully Detailed and clickable with endless details, features and effects.
Captain and First Officer windows accurately modelled and animated.
Every switch, handle, screw, bolt or Knob is modelled in 3D.
Animated Main/Service exit doors and front stairs.
Clickable and movable Sunshine screens.
Hundreds of animation almost every part of the VC that could move, will do!!!
Engine sound package recorded during engine run test, outside and inside of the aircraft.
Fully Digital sound environment.
Two different panel layouts available in accordance with the type of the aircraft.
Two Colors available: The Original Aqua-Blue and Grey.
CAPTAIN and First Officer Panels
Fully operational Pedestal.
Fully operational Overhead Panel
Fully simulated air conditioning system
Cockpit and Cabin temperature control.
Simulated Pressurization system.
AUTO and Manual Mode
Fully operational fuel system
Boost Fuel Pumps
Crossfeed valve
2 NAV Radios
2 VHF Radios
1 or 2 ADF Depending of the model.
S Mode Transponder
Fully simulated Electrical, AC and DC systems
Operational APU and Ground power unit
CSD, APU and Engine Instruments for monitoring
Fully simulated hydraulic system
Interacts directly with airplane's control surfaces.
Hydraulic Pumps and Instruments
Attitude Deviation Indicator (ADI)
Radio Altimeter
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
Airspeed/Mach Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator
Complete set of engine instruments
EPR RAT with manual selectable bugs and TRC on DC-9 51
Fully simulated Pneumatic system.
Pneumatic indicators and Crossfeed Handles.
Operational and interactive Pneumatic External Unit (air Starter)
Engine, Airfoil, Tail and Windows anti ice systems
Fire detection system
Fire loops
Fire Handles
Warning sounds
The rudder and elevators flap wildly on taxi and nose gear steering is not that great (P3D V4.5) I sent them email about this and no response (just crickets).
Less than 30 min into it and all ready want a refund.
Virtual cockpit visual quality is from like fs9 era.
click on any circuit breaker and other switches move.
left click does nothing on some switches but on other does something.
3 position switches move like they are 2 position switches.
Same cockpit sound ALL the time regardless of power input or stage of flight.
Extremely not satisfied with this product. Should be a Freeware in my opinion.
Great product! Highly recommended!! Fairly priced for the amount of models included. Free liveries on website & easy-to-use convenient installer. This troubled me a bit, but if you're unable to move the flaps or spoilers lever, make sure you turn on HYDRAULICS on the first officers side, down by the center console. Good customer support. Happy Simming ^^
Tested and works in Prepar3D V3.4.22.19868
Really enjoying this aircraft. Nice detail, flies great by hand, and has good but basic Autopilot. Worth the price and is the only DC-9 for Prepar3d V.3
works perfect flys perfect i like it more then my cls MD80 so far the Over head panel and some of the other Tags on the panel could be better less blurry would be nice though i have not had any probs starting it up or flying the Cabin Press is a Bit of a pain Though this is worth geting if you like this Type of aircraft it does not have a FMC it uses the stock GPS the autopilot system is old style so most of the heading controls is done with the heading bug switch
So far, I am unable to get this product to work correctly in Prepar3d. After a reinstall, I am still unable to get power to the APU for starting. (FYI I am an experienced simmer with 20 years of MS flightsim under my belt) I have used the default startup flight to make sure everything in P3D is "default" yet still no power. What's more, there is no support forum on the SkySimulations website to get help. As far as I can tell there is only an email address for contacting the developer. As of right now, I wish I could refund my 30.00.
Ich kannte noch die alte Version für FSX, händisches Fliegen war damit eigentlich recht spaßig, und auch ILS Anflüge waren damit problemlos möglich.
Die Optik wurde für diese v2 nun schon aufgehübscht, und hässlich ist die Umsetzung für P3D sicher nicht, wenn auch viele Texturen, gerade im VC, recht verwaschen und wenig überzeugend wirken.
Das größte Manko ist aber sicherlich der Autopilot, der Vertical Speed Mode ist eigentlich nicht zu gebrauchen, und auch ILS Anflüge (das Einfangen und Abfliegen des Glideslopes) sind mir nicht gelungen. Das Ausfahren der Flaps führt außerdem zu einem unglaubwürdigen Ballooning Effekt.
Wenig überzeugend. Wäre es bei simmarket möglich, ich würde um einen Refund bitten!
Good exterior model, sounds both internal and external and acceptable VC model. Regretfully, I could not get that PreLivery Tool to work, to install extra liveries, which is something that seems not to be yet compatible with P3D. For a relatively expensive product, priced at 30 Euro, I would have expected complete compatibility with P3D. Apart from that there is no forum to go for help, and directly asking the developer for support is a matter of days if you're lucky enough, because it seems they have full time jobs in the outside world.