One thing ALL flightsim pilots need is a REAL SKY.
REAL SKY PRO EDITION FSX version and REAL SKY PRO EDITION FS9 version will give this effect to your Microsoft Flight simulator . Specially designed textures for both sims will bring out the maximum visual affect to your sim's sky .With no hit on frame rates and a easy to use Graphic User Interface (GUI), installing these textures is as simple as a click of a button.
Real Sky Pro Edition FSX version will improve your sim's SKY by installing the following textures:
29 day sky texture sets (covering morning,noon and afternoon)
15 dusk texture sets
15 dawn texture sets
4 pre-sunset texture sets
4 post dawn texture sets
1 sun texture set and associated files
1 halo texture set
1 unique cloud pack set
Real Sky Pro Edition FS9 version will improve your sim's WATER and SKY by installing the following textures:
29 day sky texture sets (covering morning, noon and afternoon)
15 dusk texture sets
15 dawn texture sets
4 pre-sunset texture sets
4 post dawn texture sets
1 complete set of water textures
1 complete set of water reflection textures
1 sun texture set and associated files
1 halo texture set
1 unique cloud pack set
Update Offer
If you previously purchased SL - REAL SKY V3 EXTRA EDITION at simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price of EUR 11.49 only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
This is my hometown airport back home. Part of the airport was built on my family's land.
(Right of Imminent Domain).
I was pleasently surprised by the level of detail and richness of the surrounding area.
Sadly they left my parent's house out, between Cinisi and Terrasini.
All this without taking a noticeble performance hit, and a trouble free install program.
Well worth the price.
Traumhaft!!! Einfach traumhaft! So geniale Skytexturen habe ich noch nicht gesehen. Auf dem Video kann man das gar nicht erfassen. Wirklich unglaublich in der Stimmung; besonders was die Sonnenauf und -untergänge angeht, aber auch die Tageszeit. Bisher bin ich immer gerne sehr hoch geflogen, jetzt bin ich ein Tiefflieger. Ne echt, da kommt nichts mehr mit, was ich bisher an Skyaddons gekauft habe. Sogar das Wasser hat jetzt viel tiefer gehende Effekte. Da ich an der Küste wohne, bin ich meist Nordseeflieger, und klar dass das dann rein-haut. Die Wolken sind - für meine Anforderungen - mehr als gelungen. Alles sehr dynamisch, kein Eindruck eines Ölgemäldes, sondern alles sehr fein aufeinander abgestimmt. Was noch wichtiger ist, keine Einbußen bei den FPS, trotz der tollen Wolken. Nichts wirkt übertrieben, sondern sehr realistisch. Ich dachte immer, ich hätte schon super Addons, aber dieses ist wieder eines der Hervorstechenden in meiner Sammlung. Ich denke aber, jedes meiner Addons hat eben seine starke Seite, darum bedaure ich die vorherigen Käufe nicht.
Tolle Leistung vom Entwickler. Wer gerne mal in den Wolken träumt, sollte sich dieses Addon nicht entgehen lassen.
Und ich bin ein harter Kritiker der echt pingelig ist; wenn mir was nicht gefällt, dann schreibe ich es auch so in die Rezension.
Truly AWE INSPIRING! This is Sandon Lyon's masterpiece! I am especially impressed by the dawn-day-dusk transitions, impressive! Anyone who is a follower of Sandon's work will simply be blown away with this edition and its update. This is truly the best value in flightsim for sky effects, and I have researched heavily into the other types.You will find yourself getting into the air and engaging the autopilot just to pan around and watch the wondrous light show going on all about you. Nightime is full of twinkling stars and a well defined Moon. I cannot list enough superlatives for this edition, and its update, of Sandon's work. EXCELLENT!
I bought Real Sky 3 and was impressed with the programme and it did improve my frame rate without spoiling the effect of the flight sim.
When Real Sky Pro was released I bought the version 0.0 straight away and was blown away with the colours that I could load for different seasons and time - i.e. dawn, day, dusk.
Sandon informed me that there was an updated version for FS9 and also FSX. Again I downloaded and was very happy with the result but what was even better was the prompt and helpful replys I got when asking Sandon for help.
I would recommend this product to all as it is well worth the money and the support is brilliant.
Bueno, yo compro los productos de esta serie desde FS ATMOSPHERE, realmente esta es la mejor version hasta el momento, es mejor que todo lo que he probado hasta la fecha en materia de color del cielo, realismo y efectos ambientales en general, las nubes tambien son muy buenas, y se mesclan muy bien con el ambiente.
Hay varios sets de texturas para el amanecer, la mañana, el mediodia, la tarde y el anochecer
Lo unico que creo que deberia mejorarse es el hecho de que el efecto de las olas es algo grande, las nubes tendrian que venir con mas opciones en cuanto al tamaño de la textura y que podria incluir tambien texturas para la noche y efectos de luna, sin embargo, si uno ya posee alguna de las versiones anteriores, esto no representa problema.
Realmente, el cielo nunca se ha visto mas realista en mi simulador, creo que esta version no tiene nada que envidiarle a ACTIVESKY (aunque este programa no hace nada con el clima).